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Item Restricted The Effects of Poor Garbage Disposal Community Health: A Case Study of Kisoro Town Council Kisoro District(Kabale University, 2011) John, BizimanaThis study investigated the effects of poor garbage disposal on community health in Kisoro town council in Kisoro district. The major objectives of the study were; to identify garbage disposal practices in Kisoro town council, establish the causes of poor garbage disposal in Kisoro town council in Kisoro town council in district, establish the effects of poor garbage disposal on community health in Kisoro town council in Kisoro district and suggest ways of improving garbage management and community health in Kisoro town council, Kisoro district. The study employed qualitative methods of data collection which included in –depth interview use of questionnaire and documentary method among others. The study was cross sectional in nature in the area of study. The study examined the key findings of the study which included; garbage disposal practices in Kisoro town council to include: burning in open space, taking to garbage pits, composting and ignoring among others. The study further established the causes of poor garbage disposal in Kisoro town council among which included: ignorance, cost effectiveness and long distances of garbage skips. The study also remarked effects of poor garbage disposal on community health in Kisoro town council in Kisoro district such as: however, various measures were suggested such as strict rules and policies, penalties and fines. However, it was noted that for effective management of garbage and community health, there should be massive sensitization and education of the public so as to make them change their attitudes towards garbage disposal and sanitation.Item Restricted Contribution of NGO’s and Private Sector to Natural Forest Conservation of Nyugwe National Park Rwanda.(Kabale University, 2014) Sabbas, Duhayimana .A.This study aimed at assessing the contribution of non-government organizations (NGs) and private sector to the conservation of Nyungwe natural forest in Nyaruguru district, southern province of Rwanda. The study relied on the following research objectives: to identify activities of NGOs and private sector in buffer zone of Nyungwe national park; to assess the effectiveness of NGOs and private sector on the conservation of Nyungwe national park; to investigate causes of failure of NGOs and private sector on the conservation of Nyungwe national park and to come up with strategies to improve the conservation of Nyungwe national park. The study employed a qualitative approach in data collection and analysis. Data was collected from 14 respondents including employees of Nshili-Kivu Tea Factory, New Forest Company and Agroforestry for the protection of rainforest Ecosystem (APRECO), STAFF OF Ewanda Environmental Management authority (REMA). District forest officer and executive secretaries of sectors. The researcher used the interview, observation and photographs to collect primary data and the documentation to collect secondary data. The study findings revealed that the most activities of NGOs and private sector organizations towards the conservation of Nyungwe national park are tress plantation, tree harvesting and reforestation, agriculture extension, training the population on forest conservation. The study findings showed that NGOs and private sector contributing to the conservation of Nyungwe national park are fairly effective. therefore, the use of fertilizers and chemicals in tea plantations, the plantation of tea near natural forest, the use of machines while harvesting trees and heavy truck in transportation of trees harvested, deforestation, poaching for bush-meat, illegal timber harvesting, charcoal burning, encroachment for farmland and erosion in buffer zones were the major challenges faced by NGOs and private sector organizations and hinder their effectiveness to the conservation of Nyungwe national park. The study found out that strategies to improve the conservation of Nyungwe national park were the restitution of some factory by energy such as chemical to avoid utilization of fertilizers and chemicals, to look for other land to plant tea and tress far from the buffer zone, a systematic harvesting of tress in buffer zone, to define clear and concise goals for the conservation of natural forest, the application of eco-system based management and a holistic approach in the conservation of natural forest. The reality captured by the study makes to conclude that the Government of Rwanda has to support NGOs and private sector to meet the conservation of natural forests.Item Restricted An Assessment of the Impacts of Inadequate Housing on the Health of Urban Dwellers: A Case Study of Bweyale Town Council of Kiryandongo District(Kabale University, 2014) Malaki, WanjalaIn this study, the researcher assess the impact of inadequate housing on the health of urban dwellers: a case study of Bweyale town council. The researcher discusses the causes of inadequate housing impact of inadequate housing on the health of the people and finally proposes measures to overcome the problem. Findings showed that poverty, poor waste management high price of land, water stress, high price of building materials, poor location were the drivers of poor housing. Furthermore the researcher assessed the impacts of poor housing on health and came up with respiratory diseases, waterborne disease, allergies, home accidents, hearing disorders and mental disorders among others. The researcher also came up with measures to overcome inadequate housing such as provision of housing finance, proper physical planning, real estate development, lowering the cost of building materials pollution control and provision of tenure security. To arrive at these results the researcher employed several strategies such as personal interviews with key respondents; questionnaire were filled by selected respondents review of secondary information by different scholars. The result from the field were analyzed using frequency tables, pie charts, bar graphs and Microsoft word. The researcher finally concludes by giving recommendations to better the state of housing in Bweyale town council such as : control of design and construction of new dwellings; adequate damp proofing; provision to maintain controlled ventilation; effective protection against noise penetration ; mandatory installation smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; public education and awareness by public health agencies through provision of information regarding ways of making homes healthier and safer and help with effort to eliminate hazardous wastes and toxins from homes.Item Restricted Causes and Effects of Land Degradation in Karangazi Sector, Nyagatare District Rwanda.(Kabale University, 2014) Fred, MujyambereThe study aimed at investigating the causes and effects of land degradation in Karangazi sector, Nyagatare District Rwanda. The objectives of the study were: to establish the causes of land degradation, to find out effects of land degradation and to find out possible ways to mitigate land degradation in Karangazi sector, Nyagatare District. The study utilized the questionnaire and interview guide in data collection. The study found out that bush burning, deforestation, over grazing and use of pesticides were the major causes of land degradation in Karangazi sector. The effects of land degradation were famine, soil fertility reduction, reduction in plant species, floods, diseases, low produce and migration due to landslides and destruction of roads and houses. Growing of cover crops, a forestation programmes, water harvesting, community participation and sensitization were the major ways to reduce land degradation in Karangazi sector.Item Open Access The Climate Change Impact on Agriculture Productivity in Karama Sector, Nyagatare District, Rwanda.(Kabale University, 2014) Odile, TwagiramariyaThe climate change may change the frequency and intensity of weather events which will likely challenge human and natural systems more than normal change. Agriculture is considered one of the most vulnerable systems to climate change. The main goal of this study was to investigate climate change impact on agriculture productivity in Karama sector, Nyagatare District, Eastern province in Rwanda. The study relied on the following objectives: to identify factors influencing climate change in Karama sector, to assess the impact of climate change on agricultural productivity in Karama sector and suggest strategies to mitigate climate change in Karama sector. The study was descriptive and employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches in data collection and analysis. The study utilized the questionnaire to collect quantitative data from 50 farmers in Karama sector and interviews to collect qualitative data from local leaders. The study found out that the main factors recognized by respondents to influence climate change in Karama sector were; deforestation, bush burning, increased emissions of greenhouse gases and orbital variations. The study revealed that, low agriculture productivity, scarcity of food, drying of agriculture plants, and reduction of crops and low production of livestock are the most impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity in Karama sector. Also the study showed that the most agricultural products affected by climate change in Karama sector are respectively maize, beans, bananas, pineapple, sorghum and coffee. Finally the study found out that the measures taken by farmers to reduce climate change in Karama sector are among others the control of bush burning, effective use of energy, effective use of land and effective forest harvesting. It also showed that mass ;sensitization , enhancing afforestation policy, energy conservation, control of atmosphere, improve acclimatization, increase biofuels and adoption of global warming actions are some of the most measures to be taken by the administration to reduce climate change in Rwanda. The effective strategies to mitigate climate change in Karama sector found by the study were the reduction of anthropogenic activities, reduction of burning fossils, regulation of agricultural activities and regulation of forestation. The reality captured by the study is that climate change may affect positively or negatively the agriculture productivity. Hence effective major to mitigate climate change may sustain agriculture.Item Restricted The Contribution of Small Scale Cattle Farming to Farmers Welfare in Nyabihoko-Sub-County, Ntungamo District.(Kabale University, 2014) Phiona, AtirwehoThe study investigated the contribution of cattle rearing to household welfare in Nyabihoko sub county, Ntungamo District. The study was based on three objectives which included; to assess the contributions of small scale cattle farming to household welfare, to identify problems facing small scale cattle farming and to find out the measures that could be taken to solve the problem facing small scale cattle farming in Nyabihoko sub- County. The questionnaires and self-administered questionnaires were used in data collection. The participants in the study included farmers and agricultural/veterinary extension officers. The findings reveal that cattle farming was essential in improving household welfare through provision of income for the education of children, buying land, constructing houses and buying cars. Diseases, inadequate veterinary service and poor quality breeds were some of the problems hindering farmer’s progress in cattle production. Farmers gave suggestions regarding improving cattle production as vaccination against diseases, setting up marketing centers in the area. It was recommended that the government should make provisions for credit support tom small- scale cattle farmers. This capital should be directed towards modernization of production and marketing.Item Restricted The Contributions of Pineapple Growing on Farmer’s Welfare: A Case Study of Maziba Sub-County Kabale District.(Kabale University, 2018) Juliet, NinsiimaThis study was carried out to examine the contributions of pineapple growing on farmer’s welfare in maziba sub-county kabala district. The study was guided by three objectives namely; to identify different pineapple species grown in maziba sub-county, to examine the contributions of pineapple growing on welfare of farmer in maziba sub-county and to establish the challenges facing pineapple farmers in maziba sub-county. The study used both purposive and simple random sampling to select respondents and used a sample size of sixty nine (69) respondents selected from six parishes within the sub county. In addition, the study used qualitative and quantitative techniques in data analysis. Majority of respondents reported that smooth cayenne 65.2% were the pineapple species grown by most farmers grew the queen species on small scale. More so, majority of respondents which consisted of 28.9% reported that pineapples are sources of income to farmers and a few of respondents which consisted of 4.3%, reported that pineapples help in the conservation and protection of the environment. In addition, challenge of low technology. The findings of the study concluded that pineapple species so, the study findings concluded that pineapples have contributed a lot to farmers for example; pineapples are sources of food to farmers, sources of medicine and sources of employment to people. It was also concluded that pineapple farmers face many challenges for example; low technology, low market, financial constraint, pest and diseases and poor means of transport in form of roads. The findings of the study recommended that land fragment should be solved by carrying out land consolidation, farmers should be provided with new pineapple varieties and there should be improvement of road connecting to rural areas and urban areas.Item Restricted The Contributions of Pineapple Growing on Farmers Welfare.(Kabale University, 2018) Juliet, NinsiimaThis study was carried out to examine the contributions of pineapple growing on farmer’s welfare in maziba sub-county kabala district. The study was guided by three objectives namely; to identify different pineapple species grown in maziba sub-county, to examine the contributions of pineapple growing on welfare of farmer in maziba sub-county and to establish the challenges facing pineapple farmers in maziba sub-county. The study used both purposive and simple random sampling to select respondents and used a sample size of sixty nine (69) respondents selected from six parishes within the sub county. In addition, the study used qualitative and quantitative techniques in data analysis. Majority of respondents reported that smooth cayenne 65.2% were the pineapple species grown by most farmers grew the queen species on small scale. More so, majority of respondents which consisted of 28.9% reported that pineapples are sources of income to farmers and a few of respondents which consisted of 4.3%, reported that pineapples help in the conservation and protection of the environment. In addition, challenge of low technology. The findings of the study concluded that pineapple species so, the study findings concluded that pineapples have contributed a lot to farmers for example; pineapples are sources of food to farmers, sources of medicine and sources of employment to people. It was also concluded that pineapple farmers face many challenges for example; low technology, low market, financial constraint, pest and diseases and poor means of transport in form of roads. The findings of the study recommended that land fragment should be solved by carrying out land consolidation, farmers should be provided with new pineapple varieties and there should be improvement of road connecting to rural areas and urban areas.Item Restricted Financial Management and Performance of SACCOS in Kisoro District: A Case Study of Chahi Dukore SACCO in Chahi Sub County.(Kabale University, 2018) Tuyambaze, MedadThis study explored the financial Management and performance of SACCO taking Chahi Dukore SACCO as a case study. The study was guided by the contribution of financial management to Dukore SACCO in Chahi Sub-county Kisoro District, the factors that contribute to the performance of Chahi Dukore SACCO in Chahi Sub-county Kisoro District, and the relationship between Financial Management and the performance of Chahi Dukore SACCO in Chahi sub county Kisoro District. This study employed descriptive research where both Primary and ~'"Ondary data were collected. The study employed a positivist orientation since it was not purely quantitative-based, with a need for qualitative data. The researcher used simple random sampling to select 52 respondents who represented the whole study population. The researcher used a sample size of 52. The research tools that were used to collect data include questionnaires, interview guides, and focused group discussions targeting the following recipients, key informants, and focused groups and these were used to obtain both qualitative and quantitative data. Data was collected, interpreted, analyzed, organized, typed, coded, and printed as a draft report. Descriptive methods such as discussion and expectations were used to present data. Data was then analyzed, coded, edited, and presented in the form of tables using Microsoft Word and Excel for easy interpretation and understanding. The results or findings of the research study were concerning research questions and in comparison with what other researchers and scholars formally presented and corresponding interpretations of their information. The respondents' equivalent to 1223%) of the total respondents noted that financial management Increases productivity as the share capital continues to increase in shares by members. The respondents also said that if there is efficient financial management, employment opportunities increase. This happens when the SACCO opens up branches in many parts of the district hence this accounted for l 0( 19%) of the respondents. The respondents' equivalent to 12(23 % ) of the total respondents noted that financial management Increases productivity as the share capital continues to increase in shares by members. The study came up with recommendations on financial management and performance of SACCOs.Item Restricted The Influence of Labor Unions on Employees' Welfare: A Case Study of UNATU Kabale Branch.(Kabale University, 2019) Tumukunde, RonardThe study sought to establish the effects of trade union activities on the welfare of UNATU members.Item Restricted Comparison Between Newton's Interpolation and Lagrange Method with Runge Kutt a Method in Solving First Order Differential Equations.(Kabale University, 2019) Muligi, AmosThe main aim of the study was to make a comparison between a combination of Newton's interpolation and language method with Runge Kutta second order method. The study was guided by objectives like identifying a simpler method of solving first-order differential equations given a combination of Newton's interpolation and Lagrange and Runge-Kutta and identifying a method of solving first-order equations with increased accuracy given a combination of Newton's interpolation and Lagrange and Runge- Kutta. The method used to solve first-order differential equations were Newton's interpolation and Lagrange methods with Runge Kutta and Analytic method which gave the exact values of the solved first-order differential equations. The result showed that a combination of Newton's interpolation and Lagrange method gives a small absolute error and therefore efficient method for solving first-order differential equations. The numerical method used (Runge Kutta) is cumbersome and has a bigger percentage error. I therefore recommend the use of combined Newton's interpolation and Lagrange method to solve first Order Differential equationsItem Restricted Assessing The Impact of Tea Production on The Economic Development of Local Community: A Case Study of Kayonza Tea Factory in Kayonza Sub- County Kanungu District.(Kabale University, 2019) Tukwasibwe, JoabThis study assessed the impact of tea production on the economic development of the local community of Kayonza Sub County in Kammgu District, a case study of Kayonza grower's tea factory. The objectives of the study were to identify the factors that have favoured tea production, find out the contributions of tea production and investigate the challenges affecting tea production in Kayonza Sub County in Kanungu District. The study was carried out in Kanungu District where tea has been promoted as a strategic enterprise since 2004. Descriptive research design was used where the researcher used different data collection methods which included interviewing, questionnaire, and observation methods and a sample of 60 respondents was used for the study. The study findings show that the factors that have favoured tea production were land availability which is a major factor consisting 90% of the respondents, farm labour, relief, agro-input use and the growing promotion as a strategic agricultural enterprise, the contributions of tea production in Kayonza sub-county Kanungu District were a source of income which is the major contribution of tea production (97%), employment opportunities, foreign exchange earner for the county, contributing to food security, infrastructural development, and the challenges affecting tea production in Kayonza sub-county Kanungu District were pest and diseases which is the major challenge to tea production (90%) cost of production, lack of comprehensive policies, , poor road networks and infrastructures, poor agricultural technology, marketing and value¬addition constraints, climatic changes and seasonal effects and poor access to information. The government of Uganda under the Ministry of Agriculture initiated a strategy to support priority agricultural enterprises at the zone level and it is under this approach that tea production has been promoted over the years in Kanungu District. However, more actions should be taken to improve the quality and increase the quantity of tea produced through the supply of inputs by the government, adoption of new technologies and provision of more advisory services, improving the market both local and international, putting in place comprehensive policies such as large scale production as well as improving infrastructures for easy transportation of both green leaf tea and processed tea.Item Restricted Mathematical Modelling of Cholera Transmission incorporating Media Coverage.(Kabale University, 2019) Muhereza, ObedCholera is a gastrointestinal disease caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae. The spread of the disease depends largely on social and environmental factors such as, eating food or drinking water contaminated with feaces from an infected person. Cholera outbreaks, for instance, in Uganda have led to deaths and hospitalization. Since cholera spreads and kills very fast, the effectiveness of control strategies such as vaccination, water chlorination and therapeutic treatment may be enhanced by the use of media alert and awareness campaigns. This aspect has not been considered in existing cholera models. In this study, the impact of media coverage on the spread of cholera was investigated using a mathematical model. The specific objectives of the study were to construct a mathematical model for cholera transmission incorporating media coverage, to analyse the stability of equilibrium points of the model and to evaluate the role of media coverage as a disease control strategy. Positivity and boundedness of solutions was established to ensure that the model was biologically meaningful. The model was thereafter analyzed using the stability theory of differential equations. The basic reproduction number Ra, was derived using the next generation matrix approach. The existence of equilibrium points of the model was determined. The results of stability analysis showed that the disease free equilibrium was locally asymptotically stable when R< 1 while the endemic equilibrium was locally asymptotically stable when R> 1. p which is the efficacy of media coverage has an inverse relationship with the spread of the disease, such that whenever it is high, the disease spread reduces and when it is low, the disease spread increases. This implies that, media alert and awareness campaigns are vital in controlling the spread of cholera. Based on this study, it is recommended that health practitioners embrace the use of efficacious means of media coverage to publicize awareness campaigns of an outbreak and the preventive measures.Item Restricted The Influence of Gender Inequality on U.C.E Performance in Selected Schools in Rwanyamahembe Sub-County Mbarara District.(Kabale University, 2019) Kayesu, KelvinThe study aimed to assess the influence of gender inequality on U.CE performance in selected schools in Rwanyamahembe sub-county Mbarara district.Item Embargo A Mathematical Model For The Population Dynamics Of Disease Transmiting Vectors in Particular Female Anopheles Mosquitoes.(Kabale University, 2019) Turyamusiima, RichardIn this paper we present a mathematical model of population dynamics of female anopheles mosquitoes. The threshold dynamics of this model is determined and the stability of equilibrium points have been obtained using the jacobian matrix. The mosquito free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium have been determined by setting system of ordinary differential equations to zero. Basic reproduction has been determined using the next generation matrix management analyzed. Hence. we show that if the threshold dynamics quantities are less than unity, the mosquitos' population decreases to zero but if they are greater than unity, mosquitos' population persists.Item Restricted Design and Construction of a Structure.(Kabale University, 2019) Twebaze, ChristopherThe purpose of this study was to design and construct a structure.Item Restricted Mathematical Modelling of the Transmission of Malaria.(Kabale University, 2019) Atubangire, FelixIn this report, we present a mathematical model for the transmission of malaria by female anopheles mosquitos. We determine the invariant region in which our model system lies. We clearly show the mechanism by which malaria spreads from one person to another. The model takes in the ordinally differential equations. The basic reproduction number Ro is obtained. A stability analysis of the disease-free equilibrium was carried out for the case where there is no malaria in the population. Sensitivity analysis of the parameters to basic reproduction number. The results show that the basic reproduction number Ro is more sensitive to natural mortality. All working steps are included.Item Restricted Effect of Supervision on Employee Performance in Uganda: A Case Study of Shuuku Savings Cooperative SACCO in Sheema District.(Kabale University, 2019) Ayesiime, PeninahThis research report was undertaken at Shuuku Savings Cooperative Sacco in Sheema District to establish the effect of Supervision on Employee Performance in Uganda: A Case Study of Shuuku Savings Cooperative Sacco in Sheema District and emphasis was also put on the different objectives namely the effect of supervision on administrators performance in Shuuku SACCO and to analyse the effect of supervision on other employee performance in Shuuku SACCO. The study employed a descriptive research design which employed both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The study sampled 28 respondents from the target population of 32 who work with Shuuku Sacco in Sheema District. The study employed the questionnaire and the interview guides to collect data from sampled respondents in Shuuku Sacco. The research findings show that Supervision also helps administrators in learning on new ways of how to do things, supervision helps in providing a gap within the employee performance, and therefore after that gap has been realised it will promote learning in the SACCO. Supervision affects the skills of subordinates. On the other hand, poor supervision has an effect on efficiency at work according to the study whereas the majority of the respondents agreed to the idea that there is a relationship between supervision and employee performance. The study therefore recommends that Staff job satisfaction should be the top priority of supervisors. It further recommends that Supervision must be more of ideas sharing and participatory than conventional or control oriented in order to improve on performance.Item Restricted The Steel Industry and The Development Of Local Community: Case Study of Tembo Steel Industry in Kasolo Division Iganga District.(Kabale University, 2019) Kibirige, EriasafuThis study assessed the relationship between the steel industry and the development of the community of Kasolo division, Iganga district. The objectives of the study were; to examine the contributions of the Tembo steel industry towards the development of the community around it and to examine the Challenges faced by the community around the Tembo Steel Industry. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Self-administered questionnaires and interview guides were used in data collection and data was analyzed using Excel, a computer software to generate descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages and were presented in tables and text and a sample size of 214 respondents was used in the study. The findings on contributions of Tembo Steel Industry, the responses were obtained from the statements that were given to respondents as follows; it provides employment opportunities to people like; drivers, engineers, cleaners and accountants, it is strengthening the economy through paying tax that are used to provide social services like medical, security and transport, transformation of agriculture from use of rudimentary tools to modem machines which increase productivity and the extraction of steel products generates significant foreign exchange and according to the research findings the study went ahead to find the challenges faced by the local community in Kasolo division around Tembo steel industry and responses were obtained from statements that it has caused environmental drawbacks which include; pollution of air, water and soil, accidents that lead to workers losing their limbs, fingers, sight and respiratory disorders, increased theft of steel materials in search for materials like saucepans, goal posts and road signs and displacement of people due to need of land for expansion of the steel plant. The study recommends that; the government should intervene by providing free grounds for people to live in if good health is to be attained the people near Tembo Steel Industry, there should be construction of a hospital in the area to cater to those from Tembo Steel Industry to maintain good health of the people and on areas for further research, further research should be on the same topic but on another industry, Quality of steel products on construction and the effect of steel industry on the environment.Item Restricted Assessing the Influence of High Population Growth Rate on Food Security in Nyamweru Subcounty Rubanda District.(Kabale University, 2019) Twinamasiko, DerrickThis study assessed the influence of the high population growth rate on food security in the Nyamweru Sub-County Rubanda district. The objectives of the study were to examine the role of population growth rate towards food security, to examine challenges affecting population growth rate on food security, and to find out ways of how a high population growth rate promotes food insecurity in Nyamweru sub-county Rubanda district. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Self-administered questionnaires and interviews were used in data collection and data was analyzed using Excel, a computer software to generate descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages, and data was presented in tables and text. From the study findings, the role of the population growth rate towards food security in the Nyamweru sub-county Rubanda district promotes food production. encourages saving and investments, high population growth puts greater pressure on health and improves its quality, leads to a rapid increase in school-age population that calls for more investment in education, high population growth leads to an efficiency of developing countries and their political system and high population puts pressure on urban physical infrastructures leading to development, the study results also on challenges affecting population growth rate on food security in Nyamweru sub county Rubanda district, were inadequate capital for investment, shortage of enough land. poor infrastructure development, climatic changes, over-utilization of land, and political instability the study results also on how a high population growth rate promotes food security in the Nyanweru sub-county Rubanda district the findings were through the development of drought-resistant crops, investment in rural infrastructure, irrigation, improved storage facilities and investment in sustainable technologies. The study recommends that family planning programs should be designed to provide information, services, and modern means of fertility control to those who are interested, the study recommended that the government should use several methods to control high population growth such as one or two children per family policy, girl child education through giving them scholarships and the researcher recommended that there should be sensitization of people through mass media about the dangers of high population so that people can reduce on early marriages.