The Contribution of Small Scale Cattle Farming to Farmers Welfare in Nyabihoko-Sub-County, Ntungamo District.
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Kabale University
The study investigated the contribution of cattle rearing to household welfare in Nyabihoko sub county, Ntungamo District. The study was based on three objectives which included; to assess the contributions of small scale cattle farming to household welfare, to identify problems facing small scale cattle farming and to find out the measures that could be taken to solve the problem facing small scale cattle farming in Nyabihoko sub- County. The questionnaires and self-administered questionnaires were used in data collection. The participants in the study included farmers and agricultural/veterinary extension officers. The findings reveal that cattle farming was essential in improving household welfare through provision of income for the education of children, buying land, constructing houses and buying cars. Diseases, inadequate veterinary service and poor quality breeds were some of the problems hindering farmer’s progress in cattle production. Farmers gave suggestions regarding improving cattle production as vaccination against diseases, setting up marketing centers in the area. It was recommended that the government should make provisions for credit support tom small- scale cattle farmers. This capital should be directed towards modernization of production and marketing.
Research Report Submitted to the Faculty of Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of A bachelors Degree in Land Use planning and Management of Kabale University.
Small Scale, Cattle Farming, Farmers Welfare
Atirweho.p. (2014). The Contribution of Small Scale Cattle Farming to Farmers Welfare in Nyabihoko-Sub-County, Ntungamo District. Bachelors Report, Kabale University, Uganda.