An Assessment of the Impacts of Inadequate Housing on the Health of Urban Dwellers: A Case Study of Bweyale Town Council of Kiryandongo District
Malaki, Wanjala
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Kabale University
In this study, the researcher assess the impact of inadequate housing on the health of urban dwellers: a case study of Bweyale town council. The researcher discusses the causes of inadequate housing impact of inadequate housing on the health of the people and finally proposes measures to overcome the problem. Findings showed that poverty, poor waste management high price of land, water stress, high price of building materials, poor location were the drivers of poor housing. Furthermore the researcher assessed the impacts of poor housing on health and came up with respiratory diseases, waterborne disease, allergies, home accidents, hearing disorders and mental disorders among others. The researcher also came up with measures to overcome inadequate housing such as provision of housing finance, proper physical planning, real estate development, lowering the cost of building materials pollution control and provision of tenure security.
To arrive at these results the researcher employed several strategies such as personal interviews with key respondents; questionnaire were filled by selected respondents review of secondary information by different scholars. The result from the field were analyzed using frequency tables, pie charts, bar graphs and Microsoft word.
The researcher finally concludes by giving recommendations to better the state of housing in Bweyale town council such as : control of design and construction of new dwellings; adequate damp proofing; provision to maintain controlled ventilation; effective protection against noise penetration ; mandatory installation smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; public education and awareness by public health agencies through provision of information regarding ways of making homes healthier and safer and help with effort to eliminate hazardous wastes and toxins from homes.
A Research Report Submitted to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in Partial Fulfillment for the
Award of Bachelors of Environment Science of Kabale University
Inadequate Housing, Health of Urban Dwellers
Wanjala. M.(2014). An Assessment of the Impacts of Inadequate Housing on the Health of Urban Dwellers: A Case Study of Bweyale Town Council of Kiryandongo District. Bachelors Report, Kabale University. Uganda.