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  • ItemOpen Access
    Quel Français Pour Les Etudiants De La Faculte De Genie De L’universite De Kabale?
    (Kabale University, 2024) Ayebare, Boniface Martial
    Cet article se donne pour objectif d’analyser les besoins langagiers des étudiants de français à la faculté de génie de l’Université de Kabale afin de recommander la variété du français qui correspond à leurs besoins et leurs attentes. L’Ouganda est un pays de pluralité linguistique avec plus de 40 langues locales. L’anglais et le swahili sont les langues officielles. Le français occupe un statut de langue étrangère mais il est privilégié en raison de son importance dans la région. Pour notre recherche, nous avons interviewé et tenu des discussions avec trente-cinq étudiants qui apprennent le français à la faculté de génie, leurs enseignants, le doyen et trois chefs de département. Nous avons également adressé des questionnaires à trois ingénieurs basés à Kabale. Les résultats de la recherche révèlent que la majorité des étudiants apprennent le français pour des raisons de carrière car ils espèrent avoir à traiter avec des francophones. L’analyse du curriculum a trouvé que l’enseignement se limite au français général qui ne prend pas en compte les besoins des étudiants. Notre recherche recommande l’élaboration d’un module détaillé de français sur objectifs spécifiques (FOS) spécialisé en français de l’Ingénierie. L‘approche pédagogique prônée est la pédagogie de projet pour renforcer et compléter la perspective actionnelle actuellement employée par les enseignants. Enfin, des formations pédagogiques ciblées pour les professeurs de français sont recommandées.
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    The experiences and challenges of Doctoral Education in Public Universities compared
    (Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education/, 2023-02-08) Ocan, Johnson; Marus, Eton; Adyanga, Akena Francis; Ayiga, Natal
    Abstract Purpose: This article’s purpose is to explore the challenges and experiences PhD students in selected Ugandan state universities endure during their studies. Research methodology: The approach of the research focused on three public universities thus; Kabale University, Makerere University, and Gulu University. To explore these challenges, we undertook an extensive literature review of the external supervisors and evaluations of PhD students who attempted to submit their final dissertations. Results: The main findings of the results indicate that due to institutional, individual, and supervisory inefficiency, many students who enroll in their PhD programs at these universities are unable to graduate within the given timeframe. Limitations: The limitations of the study conclude that the problems addressed in this research and the suggestions presented provide the basis for improving university training programs and facilitating students, timely completion of the PhD program. Contribution: In terms of contribution, this research will improve scholarly writing and publication abilities, in addition to increasing the identity of doctoral education in Uganda. Evidently, there is no substantial work exploring the difficulties and challenges faced by PhD students in Uganda. Novelty: it is crucial to remember that when pursuing their PhDs, scholars are not just learning about the research topic, but are also developing fundamental skills in critical thinking, to construct their own knowledge within their own indigenous context, it is essential that they acquire the capacity to assess assertions, and evaluate arguments in a critical manner.
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    Graphological Deviation: A Defamiliarizing Trope in Timothy Wangusa’s Poetry
    (East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2023, 2023-01-06) Arineitwe, Evaristo
    This article attempts to examine the use of graphological deviation in Timothy Wangusa’s poetry as a style of foregrounding in Timothy Wangusa’s poetry. It is hoped to fill knowledge gaps in the Wangusaic scholarship as previous studies on Wangusa are on issues of originality of his poetry and conclude that the trajectory of his poetry is mainly Christian, African, and English traditions. The studies conclude that Wangusa’s poetry was greatly influenced by classical and western literary traditions (Alfredo Okello 2005). Some studies are on Wangusa’s novels and short stories, and as such, they focus on aspects like themes and narrative techniques but not graphological deviation. This leaves much to be studied on the variable of graphological deviation in Wangusa’s poetry. This justifies why this research article is worthwhile as it evaluates how Timothy Wangusa employs graphological deviation to create foregrounding. Besides, the researcher used the theory of defamiliarisation proposed by Viktor Shyklovsky throughout the study. The theory emphasises the use of poetic devices, which makes it an apt one as this study is on graphological deviation (which is used as a poetic device to achieve emphasis/foregrounding). The researcher used a textual analysis method and a descriptive research design in an attempt to explicate and make sense of the variable of graphological deviation. The results and findings from the data analysis prove that Wangusa uses graphological deviation to emphasise his message, shock or surprise readers (estrangement) and create mood in his poetry. This study recommends that studies be carried out on Timothy Wangusa’s use of deviation of register.
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    La Pedagogie De Projet En Didactique Du Français Sur Objectifs Specifiques En Ouganda
    (Kabale University, 2024-02-07) AYEBARE, Boniface Martial
    Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a preferred approach in language teaching today. It places the learner at the center of the learning process that is oriented towards problem-solving. This article presents a summary of points picked from the project entitled « Welcome to Kabale », implemented at Kabale University in South-Western Uganda. Our sample was composed of twenty-seven beginner students of French for Tourism. The project which lasted about eight weeks was mainly about introduction: Introducing oneself, a friend and close surroundings. Short videos were recorded on these. Our results reveal that learner motivation, confidence and self-esteem are enhanced in PBL. Language competences as well as soft skills are also developed. For PBL to succeed, adequate prior preparation by the teacher is crucial. The relevance of the projects, the learners’ interests and participation should be considered. Assessment is diagnostic, formative and summative, conducted by peers as well as by the teacher. The learning process and the final product should both be carefully considered, while temptation towards excesses should be avoided. Generally, the study confirmed that PBL is an efficient approach in imparting skills to solve day-to-day problems
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    The Experiences and Challenges of Doctoral Education in Public Universities Compared.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Ocan, Johnson; Eton, Marus; Akena, Francis Adyanga; Ayiga, Natal
    Purpose: This article’s purpose is to explore the challenges and experiences PhD students in selected Ugandan state universities endure during their studies. Research methodology: The approach of the research focused on three public universities thus; Kabale University, Makerere University, and Gulu University. To explore these challenges, we undertook an extensive literature review of the external supervisors and evaluations of PhD students who attempted to submit their final dissertations. Results: The main findings of the results indicate that due to institutional, individual, and supervisory inefficiency, many students who enroll in their PhD programs at these universities are unable to graduate within the given timeframe. Limitations: The limitations of the study conclude that the problems addressed in this research and the suggestions presented provide the basis for improving university training programs and facilitating students, timely completion of the PhD program. Contribution: In terms of contribution, this research will improve scholarly writing and publication abilities, in addition to increasing the identity of doctoral education in Uganda. Evidently, there is no substantial work exploring the difficulties and challenges faced by PhD students in Uganda. Novelty: it is crucial to remember that when pursuing their PhDs, scholars are not just learning about the research topic, but are also developing fundamental skills in critical thinking, to construct their own knowledge within their own indigenous context, it is essential that they acquire the capacity to assess assertions, and evaluate arguments in a critical manner.
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    Nafasi ya Leksikoni yenye Vipashio Ghairi kutoka Kiingereza na Kiarabu katika Fonolojia ya Leksikoni ya Kiswahili Sanifu
    (2023-03) David, Majariwa
    Makala haya yanahusu ubainishaji wa nafasi ya leksikoni ya mkopo yenye vipashio ghairi katika leksikoni ya Kiswahili sanifu. Data zilizotumiwa katika makala haya zilikusanywa kutoka makavazi ya Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam. Mbinu za uhakiki matini na usomaji nyaraka zilitumiwa kukusanya data. Uhusiano wa matabaka ya leksikoni ya Kiswahili umeelezwa kwa kutumia modeli ya uhusiano wa KIINI-PEMBEZONI ya Itô na Mester (1995) sambamba na Nadharia ya Umbo Upeo (UU). Data imedhihirisha kuwa leksikoni ya Kiswahili inatoa ushahidi kuwa kuna matabaka mbalimbali ndani yake. Modeli iliyotumiwa imetuwezesha kubainisha mwingiliano taratibu na utabakishi wa leksikoni ya Kiswahili. Leksikoni ya Kiswahili yenye viambajengo ghairi husika imetambuliwa kisinkronia kwa kuwa viambajengo hivyo vina mchango katika sarufi ya Kiswahili (fonolojia ya leksikoni ya Kiswahili) hasa kuhusiana na mashartizuizi ya kimuundo. Matokeo yamebainisha kuwa mashartizuizi ya leksikoni ya Kiswahili iliyopokelewa kutoka Kiingereza na Kiarabu na viambajengo ghairi yanafanya kazi katika mawanda ya PEMBEZONI.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Graphological Deviation: A Defamiliarizing Trope in Timothy Wangusa’s Poetry
    (East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2023) Evaristo, Arineitwe
    This article attempts to examine the use of graphological deviation in Timothy Wangusa’s poetry as a style of foregrounding in Timothy Wangusa’s poetry. It is hoped to fill knowledge gaps in the Wangusaic scholarship as previous studies on Wangusa are on issues of originality of his poetry and conclude that the trajectory of his poetry is mainly Christian, African, and English traditions. The studies conclude that Wangusa’s poetry was greatly influenced by classical and western literary traditions (Alfredo Okello 2005). Some studies are on Wangusa’s novels and short stories, and as such, they focus on aspects like themes and narrative techniques but not graphological deviation. This leaves much to be studied on the variable of graphological deviation in Wangusa’s poetry. This justifies why this research article is worthwhile as it evaluates how Timothy Wangusa employs graphological deviation to create foregrounding. Besides, the researcher used the theory of defamiliarisation proposed by Viktor Shyklovsky throughout the study. The theory emphasises the use of poetic devices, which makes it an apt one as this study is on graphological deviation (which is used as a poetic device to achieve emphasis/foregrounding). The researcher used a textual analysis method and a descriptive research design in an attempt to explicate and make sense of the variable of graphological deviation. The results and findings from the data analysis prove that Wangusa uses graphological deviation to emphasise his message, shock or surprise readers (estrangement) and create mood in his poetry. This study recommends that studies be carried out on Timothy Wangusa’s use of deviation of register
  • ItemOpen Access
    An Investigation on The Effect of Professional Training On Journalism Ethics in Uganda
    (Kabale University, 2019-06) Ayebazibwe, Kukundakwe Esther
    The debate on whether professional training is relevant for journalism practice has been existing, with some proposing that it is an art developed through talent and practice (Parks, 2012). Despite the efforts in training, one cannot certainly say that proper training leads to professional journalism practice. Through in-depth interviews and questionnaires, this study seeks to find out the role of professional training on the respect for journalism professional ethics. The analysis shows some of the differences in ethical perceptions between the trained and untrained journalists. The discussion on the challenges faced by journalists in Uganda reveals that journalists across the world are faced with similar challenges although their media systems and cultures may differ. Although other factors cannot be completely ruled out, the study concludes that good training affects ethical perceptions of journalists leading to better professional quality, which means that training is an important attribute in media practice. However, it also observes that there are some other factors that can affect quality journalism aside training. It recommends that all stakeholders in the media industry (media houses, media practitioners, training institutions, professional associations and government) should all work together to promote quality journalism in Uganda.
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    Depictions Of Environmental Destruction By British Colonizers In Ole Kulets “The Hunter” and “Vanishing Herds”
    (American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS), 2022) Johnson, Ocan; Francis Akena, Adyanga
    This article examines the ecological legacy of 70 years of British colonial rule in Kenya and to identify some of the ecological challenges faced by the post-colonial Kenyan state, which are reflected in the rapid depletion of the country's forest cover, the alarming loss of the country's wildlife heritage, accentuated by the threat of poaching and human-wildlife conflict. Central to the ecological challenges facing the country is the colonial dispossession of land owned by indigenous communities, effectively distorting and alienating the communities from their indigenous ecological ethics (IEE). Therefore, consistent with our analysis, we conclude that while the country grapples with the thorny issue of environmental degradation, sound ecological policies must be put in place that recognize the validity of indigenous ecological ethics, which have been debased under British colonialism. In the article, the study examines the depiction of characters and characterizations in relation to ecology using the renown post-colonial African literature novels ‘Vanishing Herds’ and ‘The Hunter’.
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    Depictions of Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Contemporary Africa Using Akachi Adimora Ezeigbo’s Trafficked and Apio Eunice Otuku’s Zura Maids
    (East African Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2022) Johnson, Ocan; Denis, Sekiwu; Charles Nelson, Okumu
    In 2020, the government of Uganda reported investigating 214 incidents of human trafficking involving 154 suspects; of these incidents, 118 were internal, 93 transnationals, and three unknowns. This was a decrease compared with investigating 252 incidents (19 internal and 222 transnational) in 2019. This article examines how human trafficking and exploitation impacts on young girls from developing countries using Akachi Dimora Ezeig’s novel; ‘Trafficked’ and Apio Eunice Otuku’s ‘Zura Maids’. Using content analysis, the study engages critical discourse of postcolonial tenets understand the creation of inferiority complex, identity crisis, and cultural erosion among the colonized. As a result of social justice principle of “otherness”, which is a binary opposition between “I/We” and “Them”, the study packages the problem neatly, but offers few solutions for Africa, whilst condemning human trafficking and exploitation as a heinous act on humanity.
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    Ukubalifu wa Silabi Funge katika Fonolojia ya Kiswahili
    (Mwanga wa Lugha, 2021) David, Majariwa
    Makala haya yanachunguza ukubalifu wa silabi funge katika fonolojia ya Kiswahili kwa kutumia mifano kutoka Kiarabu na Kiingereza. Tafiti kadhaa zilibainisha uchopezi wa irabu baada ya konsonanti funge kuwa ni mkakati wa urekebishaji unaotumiwa sana katika upokeaji wa maneno ya mkopo katika Kiswahili ili kuondoa silabi funge. Hata hivyo silabi funge zimebainika katika fonolojia ya Kiswahili. Kutokana na msingi kuwa mifumo ya fonolojia ya lugha hufikiriwa kuwa thabiti zaidi dhidi ya mabadiliko, kuna haja ya kuchunguza ukubalifu wa silabi funge hizo katika fonolojia ya Kiswahili. Data zilizotumika zilipatikana kutoka Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu 2013 (KKS), Toleo la tatu. Nadharia ya Umbo Upeo sambamba na Nadharria ya fonolojia Amirifu zilitumiwa katika uchanganuzi wa data. Matokeo yanaonesha kuwa upangiliaji upya wa mashartizuizi unaeleza upenyezaji wa silabi funge katika Kiswahili na ukubalifu wa silabi funge hizo umeelezwa na fonolojia Amirifu. Uelekeo wa watumiaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili kutumia nguvu kwa uwekevu katika matumizi ya ala za matamshi umesababisha fonolojia ya Kiswahili kuzuia uchopezi wa irabu katika upokeaji wa maneno yenye silabi funge kutoka Kiingereza na Kiarabu.
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    Upenyezaji na Ukubalifu wa Mkururo wa Konsonanti katika Fonolojia ya Kiswahili: Mifano katika Maneno Yaliyopokelewa kutoka Kiingereza na Kiarabu
    (Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili, 2021) David, Majariwa
    Makala haya yanachunguza jinsi mikururo ya konsonanti [Skr-]/[Sk-], [Spr-]/[Sp-], na [Str-]/[St-] ilivyopokelewa katika fonolojia ya Kiswahili kutoka Kiarabu na Kiingereza. Lengo kuu ni kuelezea jinsi mikururo hiyo ya konsonanti ilivyopenyeza na kukubalika katika mfumo wa fonolojia ya Kiswahili. Mifumo ya fonolojia ya lugha inafikiriwa kuwa thabiti zaidi dhidi ya mabadiliko ikilinganishwa na nyanja nyingine za isimu. Data zilizotumika zilipatikana kutoka Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu (KKS) (2013), Toleo la Tatu pamoja na Bosha (1993). Mbinu ya orodhahakiki na usomaji nyaraka zilitumiwa kupata data. Nadharia ya Umbo Upeo ilitumiwa katika uchanganuzi wa data. Uchopezi wa irabu ni mkakati unaozingatiwa sana wakati wa urekebishaji wa mkururo wa konsonanti katika maneno yanayopokelewa katika Kiswahili (Mwita, 2014; Akidah, 2013). Hata hivyo, imebainika kuwa mikururo wa konsonanti [Skr-]/[Sk-], [Spr-]/[Sp-], na [Str-]/[St-] ilighairi mikakati ya urekebishaji na kupenyeza katika fonolojia ya Kiswahili. Upokeaji wa mikururo hiyo ya konsonanti uliwezekana kupitia upangiliaji upya wa mashartizuizi ya Kiswahili. Upangiliaji wa mashartizuizi ulichochewa na haja ya kuwa na uwekevu wa nguvu katika utamkaji. Hivyo, ukubalifu wa mikururo ya konsonanti umeelezwa kupita wepesi wa utamkaji uliochochea upangiliaji wa mashartizuizi ya mfuatano wa konsonanti katika Kiswahili.
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    Upokeaji na Ukubalifu wa Vitamkwa vya Kiarabu na Kiingereza katika Fonolojia ya Kiswahili
    (Jarida la Taasisi ya Taaluma za Kiswahili, 2021) David, Majariwa
    Makala hii inachunguza jinsi vitamkwa vya kigeni [χ], [ɣ], [ð] na [θ] vilivyopokelewa katika fonolojia ya Kiswahili kutoka Kiarabu na Kiingereza. Lengo la makala hii ni kuelezea sababu za ukubalifu2 wa vitamkwa hivyo katika mfumo wa fonolojia ya Kiswahili, licha ya mifumo ya fonolojia ya lugha kufikiriwa kuwa thabiti zaidi dhidi ya mabadiliko. Data zilizotumika zilipatikana kutoka Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu (KKS) (2013) Toleo la Tatu na Bosha (1993). Nadharia ya Umbo Upeo imetumika katika uchanganuzi wa data za makala hii. Kuna mikakati ya urekebishaji kadhaa ambayo inaelezea jinsi vitamkwa vinavyoshughulikiwa katika upokeaji wa maneno ya mkopo katika muktadha wa nadharia hii. Hata hivyo, ilibainika kuwa vitamkwa vya kigeni [χ], [ɣ], [ð] na [θ] vilighairi mikakati hiyo ya urekebishaji na kupenyeza katika fonolojia ya Kiswahili. Upokeaji wa vitamkwa hivyo uliwezekana kupitia upangiliaji upya wa mashartizuizi ya Kiswahili katika Umbo Upeo. Vitamkwa vilivyopokelewa vilikubalika katika mfumo wa orodha ya konsonanti za Kiswahili kwa kuzingatia msingi wa iktisadi ya sifa na mvutano pande mbili. Vitamkwa hivyo vilipokelewa kutokana na kuwapo kwa mapengo ya vitamkwa hivyo katika orodha ya vitamkwa vya Kiswahili.
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    Sociology of the COVID-19 Lockdown: Critical Analysis of Its Effects on Private School Teacher Wellbeing
    (IGI Global, 2022) Denis, Sekiwu; Johnson, Ocan
    Much of the research on COVID-19 is gleaned on epidemiological, virological, and medical outcomes of the global pandemic. In education, research focus is skewed towards how school closure affected the psychological disposition of learners, ignoring debate on COVID-19 effects on teachers’ social and economic wellbeing. Mandatory school closure influenced private school owners to halt teachers’ payment on the pretext that schools had no revenue. In sociological and motivational theory, such a lag in earning is certainly linked to potential decline in the teacher’s social and economic wellbeing and henceforth a huge demotivator for this group. Critical analysis of private school teachers’ social and economic wellbeing during COVID-19 and the coping mechanisms are, therefore, the subject of this chapter.
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    African Childhood “Reawakened”: Using Cultural Studies Theory in Understanding the Use of Symbolism in Camara Laye’s The African Child.
    (East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 2021) Johnson, Ocan; Lillian, Tindyebwa
    This paper reports the findings of a pragmatic study that uses follow-up interviews as a method to investigate how participants read the language in the novel by a renowned African novelist Camara Laye. The study builds on antecedent work that has identified patterns of language presentation as techniques of characterisation in the novel “The African Child”. The article offers a spotlight on the critical use of symbolism in the novel ‘The African child’ (Laye, 1953). This article is set in a research context that brings together surveillance from cultural studies theory on the use of symbols in the novel. The results show that symbols are read significantly faster than the overall clusters which are stored as units in the brain. This pronouncement is complemented by the results of the follow-up questions which indicate that readers do not seem to refer to symbols when talking about character information, although they are able to refer to symbols when prompts are used to elicit information. Beyond the specific results of the study, this article makes a contribution to the development of complementary methods in children’s literature from Africa and it points to directions for further sub-classifications of the use of symbolism in children’s literature that could not be achieved on the basis of this data alone.
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    Analysis of Stakeholders Involvement in the Implementation of the M.A. Literature Curriculum at Kabale University Using E-Learning Approach
    (East African Journal of Education Studies, 2021) Johnson, Ocan; Constance, Tukwasibwe; Chrisostom, Oketch
    The purpose of the study was to report on an empirical study of the involvement of stakeholders in the implementation of the MA Literature Curriculum at Kabale University using e-Learning approach. The study used a mixed method approach of both qualitative and quantitative techniques. In this study, curriculum stakeholders were found to significantly influence curriculum development, hence collaboration with these stakeholders through feedback, critique and advice can only serve to meld the content and method of delivery of the curriculum. This study extends the application of a modified curriculum development process model based on ADDIE (analysis, design, development implementation and evaluation). It recognizes the different stakeholders and their input for curriculum innovation. Therefore, identifying, understanding and managing stakeholders’ involvement in curriculum implementation is a key driver in the curriculum development. This paper is not concerned with comparing and exploring possible techniques of identifying university stakeholders with the aim of choosing the most suitable one, but it is intended to clarify on the categorization of the internal and external stakeholders.
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    (2020) AIDAH, MUTENYO
    Kilimo ni asasi maalumu ambayo haiwezi kuepukika katika uhalisia wa maisha ya binadamu.Ni miongoni mwa asasi ambazo zinachangia pakubwa katika maendeleo ya nchi yoyote ile.Mahali ambapo tumefikia ni vigumu kuangalia tu nchi moja ila kuangalia maendeleo ya Afrika Masahriki kwa jumla.Maendeleo huanzia pale ambapo jamii ina uhusiano wa mawasiliano na utamaduni.Afrika Mashariki lugha mwafaka ambayo inawezesha mendeleo ya kilimo ni Kiswahili.Kiswahili kinauwezo wa kuelezea kwa kina maswala mengi na kueleweka juu ya uimarishaji wa kilimo.Ukulima hauwezi kuepukika,iwe ni wa kiwango cha matumizi ya kawaida ya nyumbani ama ukulima kama mfumo wa biashara.Tangu kuanzishwa kwa matumizi ya Kiswahili katika asasi mbali mbali,Kuna mambo mangine maandishi mengine yamebakimkatika lugha ya kigeni na hakuna ufafanuzi wowote katika Kiswahili. Baadhi ya watu hupata changamoto za kujieleza au kuelezea istilahi za kilimo ikiwazimeandikwa ama zimefafanuliwa kwa kimombo,jambo ambalo linakandamiza maendeleo.Pale ambapo mtu amewezeshwa kutumia Kiswahili inakuwa rahisi kwake.Kwa mfano mkulima mmoja wa nanasi kutoka Kayunga Uganda alipoulizwa jinsi amefaidika na uuzaji wake wa nanasi nchini Nairobi alikuwa na haya ya kusema;