La Pedagogie De Projet En Didactique Du Français Sur Objectifs Specifiques En Ouganda
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Kabale University
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a preferred approach in language teaching today. It places the learner
at the center of the learning process that is oriented towards problem-solving. This article presents a
summary of points picked from the project entitled « Welcome to Kabale », implemented at Kabale
University in South-Western Uganda. Our sample was composed of twenty-seven beginner students of
French for Tourism. The project which lasted about eight weeks was mainly about introduction:
Introducing oneself, a friend and close surroundings. Short videos were recorded on these. Our results
reveal that learner motivation, confidence and self-esteem are enhanced in PBL. Language competences
as well as soft skills are also developed. For PBL to succeed, adequate prior preparation by the teacher
is crucial. The relevance of the projects, the learners’ interests and participation should be considered.
Assessment is diagnostic, formative and summative, conducted by peers as well as by the teacher. The
learning process and the final product should both be carefully considered, while temptation towards
excesses should be avoided. Generally, the study confirmed that PBL is an efficient approach in imparting
skills to solve day-to-day problems
Project-based learning, FOS, Kabale, Uganda.