Institute of Tourism

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  • ItemRestricted
    Analysing The Elements Affecting Tourists’ Level of Satisfaction in Kabale District: A Case Study of Lake Bunyonyi.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Akamutuha, Mackline
    Satisfaction has been found as one of the elements that affect a tourist’s level of satisfaction. Several studies continue to indicate Scenic Beauty as the most significant factors that influence tourist satisfaction this positively increases the level of tourism development, but the extent to which these cases are associated with tourism development trends was not known. This study aimed to fill this research gap. A cross-sectional study in which a mixed method of inquiry was used to collect data using a questionnaire. The questionnaire had both open and closed-ended questions to capture both quantitative and qualitative responses. A sample of study participants was drawn from the elements affecting tourists’ level of satisfaction. A total sample of 133 participants was selected. Result: Of the 133 participants that were interviewed, 62.4% were male respondents and 37.6% were female respondents) considering the age of respondents, the highest number 47.4% belonged to the age group of 31-40years Conclusion: The study found that Scenic Beauty was 92% being the most factor that influenced tourist satisfaction this positively increases the level of tourism development in Kabale district: a case study of Lake Bunyonyi.The study proposed the following recommendations; Increase awareness of the level of satisfaction and importance of promoting tourists' satisfaction, Develop and implement intervention and sustainable tourism programs to address new satisfaction of tourists, Train employees on new technologies and the benefits in promoting and developing, Conduct further research to gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between tourists satisfaction development, development of tourism industry and the community involvement in the context of kabale municipality. .
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    Investigating the Factors Affecting the Growth of Tourism in Kabale Municipality.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Amiidu, Muriisa
    The study was about the examining the factors that affect the growth of tourism in Kabale municipality, Kabale district. The study was guided by three objectives which were: to identify the key factors influencing the growth of tourism in Kabale municipality, to examine how government policy has contributed to the tourism in Kabale district, and to suggest possible measures for the constraints affecting tourism growth in Kabale District. A targeted population of 56 respondents was considered for the study which included district Leaders and staff members. Both simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used in identifying the study sample size. The methods that were used in data collection included questionnaires, observation, and interviews. Data collected was edited, coded, entered into the computer, and analyzed with Excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables. Based on results from the study, 100% of the respondents agreed that potential factors that have led to the growth in the Kabale district include; environment and events, community perception, accessibility of infrastructure, good reception, lodge owners and managers, natural attraction, perceived safety and security and Perceived safety and security. The study findings revealed how government policy has contributed to tourism in Kabale district were presented in the table and these included consolidating and streamlining the law relating to tourism. Providing licensing, regulating, and controlling of the tourism sector, strategic considerations for the development of new products. From objective three, it was found as indicated by the respondents from the Kabale district that that, there the potential factors that have led to the growth in the Kabale district. The results further indicated among the possible constraints to tourism development in Kabale Municipality, Kabale District and how can the constraints to tourism in Kabale District be mitigated/reduced include; poor hotels, distance and high transport costs, low pay for tour guides, language barrier, high priorities for international tourism by government, insecurity, poor road. The researcher concluded that the attractions that Influence the Growth of Tourism are game and bird viewing, quality accommodation, tour operators, image of destination, boating and water sports, craft shops, and tourism centers. The study findings recommend that there is a need to educate the citizens on how to be hospital to tourists and educate them on the importance of tourism in the area
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    Impact of Accommodation Facilities on Tourism Development in Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Ashaba, Praise
    The study was about assessing the impact of accommodation facilities on tourism development in Kabale District. The study was guided by three objectives which were: to investigate the contribution of accommodation facilities in the growth of tourism in Kabale district, to identify the challenges facing the accommodation facilities on tourism development in Kabale District, to suggest possible measures to solve challenges facing the accommodation facilities on tourism development in Kabale District. A targeted population was fifty (50) respondents who were considered for the study. These included senior staff, Managers, and Tourists. Both simple random and purposive sampling techniques in identifying the study sample population. The methods that were used in data collection included surveys, observations, and interviews. Data collected was edited, coded, entered into the computer, and analyzed with Excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables. According to the findings, 100% of the respondents agreed that there were several contributions of hotels in the growth of tourism in Kabale district and among others included, Tourist hotels have helped the expansion of many economies around Kabale district, they provide a spirit of hospitality that exceeds their guests’ expectations, good tourist hotels that serves the tourists' purpose of visit, hotels and Tourism have long been considered an effective catalyst of rural socio-economic development and regeneration. From objective three, the study showed that there are several measures to solve challenges facing the accommodation facilities in tourism development and these included housekeeping challenges in hotels need to be managed well, give guests easier ways to communicate with the front desk, capture more guest information at check-in, hiring and retaining the staff, offer guests mobile check-in experiences, offer upsells & room upgrades in a convenient, consider implementing useful cost-saving strategies at the hotel.
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    Effects of Marketing Strategies on the Performance of Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises in Uganda: Case Study of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.
    (Kabale University., 2024) Asiimwe, Dennis
    The study was about the effects of marketing strategies on the performance of tourism and hospitality enterprises: A case study of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. The objectives of the study were to assess the different marketing strategies in tourism and hospitality enterprises in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, to identify the role of marketing in tourism and hospitability enterprises in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, and to find out challenges facing marketing in tourism and hospitability in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The research used a descriptive study design depending on the characteristics of the study. A sample of 76 respondents was used, and data was collected using a questionnaire directed to technical leaders, politicians, opinion leaders, and other stakeholders (local government staff, tourists, central government) in the area. Data was analyzed using frequencies where percentages were derived for easy interpretation. Findings show that they create engaging and informative content related to travel destinations, local attractions, and hospitality services. Some respondents also showed that leverage popular social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Some respondents agreed that collaborating with influencers and travel bloggers to reach a broader audience. From the findings, tourism and hospitality businesses rely on marketing to create and enhance brand awareness. Effective marketing campaigns contribute to building a positive brand image, which is crucial for attracting new customers and retaining loyal ones. According to the results, sustainability practices were mentioned by the respondents in that encouraging sustainable tourism practices and responsible visitor behavior is crucial. This involves minimizing the ecological footprint of tourists and ensuring that the influx of visitors does not harm the natural environment. The study concludes that over the last two decades, the Ugandan Tourism industry has grown very rapidly as compared to other industries in the service sector and it has the potential to generate employment earn large amounts of foreign exchange, and increase the country’s overall economic and social development. But it’s not a peak point or performance, much more remains to be done. The study recommends there is a need to conduct thorough market research to understand the preferences, behaviors, and needs of the tourists. Tailor the marketing strategies to address the specific interests and demographics of potential customers. There is a need to clearly communicate the unique features and experiences that set the tourism destination, hotel, or service apart from competitors.
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    Assessing the Influence of Tourism Competitiveness on the Development of Tourism Destinations: A Case Study of Queen Elizabeth Nation Park.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Turyamureeba, Frankline
    This study delved into the relationship between tourism competitiveness and the evolution of tourism destinations. By scrutinizing the factors that enhance a destination's appeal to tourists, such as its diverse ecosystems, abundant biodiversity, and well-established infrastructure, the research aims to unravel the dynamics that drive overall progress. The investigation goes beyond the surface to assess how a destination's competitive edge translates into tangible economic benefits. Specifically, the focus is on examining the potential outcomes, including the growth of businesses in the tourism sector and the enhancement of overall infrastructure. Through a meticulous analysis of these facets, the research aims to provide destination managers with valuable insights into leveraging tourism as a catalyst for sustainable development. The findings are poised to guide strategic decision-making, enabling destination managers to harness the full potential of tourism while ensuring its alignment with principles of sustainability and long-term viability. As tourism continues to play a pivotal role in global economies, understanding and optimizing its competitive dynamics become imperative for fostering responsible and balanced growth in tourism destinations
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    Effect of Natural Disasters on Tourism Development in Kabale District: A case Study of Lake Bunyonyi.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Rubahamya, Ian
    The study was about assessing the impact of Natural Disasters on Tourism Development in Kabale District. A case study of Lake Bunyonyi. The study was guided by three objectives which were: to determine the effects of natural disasters on tourism development in the Kabale district, to find out the challenges hindering tourism development as a result of natural disasters, to suggest possible measures to solve the challenges hindering tourism development as results natural disaster. The targeted population was 103 respondents who were considered for the study. These included local communities, NGOs, local government, tourists, and CBOs. Both simple random and purposive sampling techniques in identifying the study sample population. The methods that were used in data collection included surveys, observations, and interviews. Data collected was edited, coded, entered into the computer, and analyzed with Excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables. According to the findings, 100% of the respondents agreed that there were the effects of natural disasters on tourism development in the Kabale district and these included injuries, deaths, chronic Disease Emergencies, cancelations of bookings, shortages of food, mental health problems, damage to Infrastructure, floods, hygienic impacts and the spread of disease. The study revealed the challenges hindering tourism development as a result of natural disasters and these included limited tourism infrastructure, perception of safety and security, limited tourist offerings, natural disaster vulnerability, socio-economic challenges, lack of awareness and promotion, and limited air connectivity. From objective three, the study indicated the possible measures to solve the challenges hindering tourism development as a result of natural disasters and these included improving the quality and quantity of attractions, having a risk management process in place, providing maps and directions to local events and attractions, create an email list to share information about your destination, promote local events and businesses, share tourism events and attractions on social media.
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    Employee Motivation Strategies and Sales Performance: A Case Study of Hawk’s Eye Lodge Bunyonyi.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Kihembo, Linnet
    The study was bout employee motivation strategies and sales performance. A case study of Hawk’s Eye Lodge Bunyonyi following the study objectives which were; to identify employee motivation challenges in Hawk’s Eye Lodge Bunyonyi Kabale District, to identify employee motivation strategies in Hawk’s Eye Lodge Bunyonyi Kabale District and to assess the level of sales performance in Hawk’s eye lodge Bunyonyi Kabale District. The study employed descriptive research design across a sample of 50 respondents and data collection tools such as interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data from the participants. The findings of the study were that the research emphasized the significance of creating a positive work environment characterized by open communication, teamwork, and supportive leadership. A supportive workplace culture fosters employee satisfaction and motivation, ultimately contributing to enhanced sales performance. Providing regular feedback and recognition to employees for their contributions was identified as a motivational factor. Acknowledging employee efforts and providing constructive feedback helps employees feel valued and engaged, leading to improved sales outcomes. The study concluded the case study demonstrates that effective employee motivation strategies are integral to achieving sales success at Hawk’s Eye Lodge Bunyonyi. By focusing on factors such as recognition, incentives, training, a positive work environment, feedback, goal alignment, and continuous improvement, the lodge was able to enhance employee motivation and drive sales performance. The study recommends developing a structured recognition program that acknowledges and rewards employees for their contributions to sales performance. This could include employee of the month awards, quarterly bonuses for top performers, or public recognition during team meetings.
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    Effects of Branding on Customer Loyalty in Hotels: A Case Study of Jevine Hotel Kabusu.
    (Kabale University., 2024) Kyarisiima, Pamela
    The study was about investigating the effects of branding on customer loyalty in hotels. A case study of Jevine Hotel Kabusu. The study was guided by three objectives which were: to find out the factors that contribute to hotel brand loyalty at Jevine Hotel Kabusu, to find out the relationship between branding and customer loyalty, and to identify the practices for hotel managers to improve hotel brand loyalty. A targeted population was 80 respondents who were considered for the study. These included marketing manager, receptionist, waiters, and customers. Both simple random and purposive sampling techniques in identifying the study sample population. The methods that were used in data collection included surveys, observation, and interviews. Data collected was edited, coded, entered into the computer, and analyzed with Excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables. According to the findings, several respondents agreed that the factors that contribute to hotel brand loyalty at Jevine Hotel Kabusu include awareness, brand recognition, trust and Credibility, image, confidence, trust in Consistency, and Brand Reputation. The study revealed there is a relationship between branding and customer loyalty and these included brand image and perception, consistency in Service and experience, brand Recognition and Trust, Emotional Connection, loyalty Programs and Incentives, and Online Reputation Management. From objective three, the study indicated there is a relationship between branding and customer loyalty and these included brand image and perception, consistency in Service and experience, brand Recognition and Trust, Emotional Connection, loyalty Programs and Incentives, and Online Reputation Management. The study further concluded by showing the factors that contribute to hotel brand loyalty at Jevine Hotel Kabusu including awareness, brand recognition, trust and Credibility, image, confidence, trust in Consistency, and Brand Reputation.
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    The Contribution of the Hotel Industry on Youth Empowerment in Mbarara City: A Case Study of Hotel Triangle Mbarara City.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Owomuhangi, Emmanuel
    The study was about assessing the contribution of the hotel industry to youth empowerment in Mbarara City. A case study of Hotel Triangle Mbarara. The study was guided by three objectives which were: To analyze factors that favor youth empowerment in the hotel industry of Mbarara City, to analyze the effect of levels of education on the empowerment of the youth working in the hotel industry in Mbarara City, To investigate the effect of pay on empowerment of the youth working in the hotel industry in Mbarara City. A targeted population was 80 respondents who were considered for the study. These were the youth employees across different working departments at Hotel Triangle Mbarara. A qualitative descriptive study design was employed as it allowed for straightforward and comprehensive explorations of participants’ experiences without imposing theoretical frameworks or preconceived categories. The methods that were used in data collection included questionnaires and interviews. Data collected was edited, coded, entered into the computer, and analyzed with Excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables. According to the findings, the study revealed that 10% of the study participants were front desk/receptionist youth employees while 33% were housekeeping department employees,22% were dining,18% were the kitchen,6% were the bar, and 11% in the spa and sauna department. Statistics indicated that the study participants were evenly distributed. However, degree, diploma, and certificate holders were very low given a combined 55% which was slightly above the 40% of a combined secondary and primary level. It was disclosed that the hotels have provided job opportunities to the youth that in turn elevates the standards of living hence facilitating empowerment with 97% maintaining that it is true the hotels have given jobs to the youth. More so the practical skills and experience gained in the hotel industry were averagely found to attract the youth with a combined 56% of those in agreement. competitive salaries and benefits offered in the hotel industry were a source of empowerment with 55% agreeing. While also the view that flexible working hours help to balance work and personal life of the youth with an average of 56% which is therefore an empowerment to carry out different chores outside the hotel industry. It was also found that prestige associated with working in renowned hotels contributes minimal reason for the youth to fancy the hotel industry with 74% in agreement to this however more than half of the respondents agreed that having higher levels of education increases the chances of finding employment in the hotel industry indicated by 87% of respondents agreeing. 61% agreed that a basic level of education is sufficient for entry-level positions in the hotel industry and surprisingly 63% agreed to the view that work experience is more important than formal education for succeeding in the hotel industry. However, when it came to Education playing a crucial role in securing higher-ranking positions 76% of the respondents in agreed just 19% disagreed, and 5% were unsure. It was further found that low pay discourages young individuals from pursuing careers in the hotel industry with 86% agreeing. From the field, 90% agree that Low pay negatively impacts job satisfaction and motivation. Low pay restricts opportunities for personal and professional growth within the hotel industry, 68% in agreement, and just 26% disagree with either 6%. Also, from the study findings, it was evident that other industries that offer more attractive pay and benefits attract more of the youth than the hotel industry with 75% in agreement. It was found out that in a view that most hotels provide sufficient pay for the youth employees, only 13% agreed which proved that it was not the case.
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    Impact of Tourism on Social Economic Development of Kabale Municipality Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Twesiime, Robert
    The study was about assessing the contribution of tourism to the socio-economic development of the Kabale District. The study was guided by three objectives which were: to examine the Contributions of tourism to economic development in Kabale Municipality, Kabale District, to investigate the impacts of tourism towards economic development in Kabale District, to examine possible constraints to tourism development in Kabale Municipality, Kabale District. A targeted population was fifty-six (56) respondents who were considered for the study. These included senior staff, Head Guide, Manager, Tourists, Community members Local government officials. Both simple random and purposive sampling techniques in identifying the study sample population. The methods that were used in data collection included surveys, observations, and interviews. Data collected was edited, coded, entered into the computer, and analyzed with Excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables. According to the findings, 100% of the respondents agreed that there were several contributions of tourism to economic development in Kabale municipality, Kabale district included: Boosting scale industry revenues, Boosting revenue of the economy, developing infrastructures, a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens, job opportunities, source of foreign exchange earnings, tourism are often regarded as a tool in rural development. The study revealed the impacts of tourism on economic development in Kabale Municipality, Kabale Municipality, and Kabale District and these included tourism can encourage the displacement of locals, tourism can leave a large carbon footprint, a large number of moving visitors into an area push up the price of goods and services, decline in traditional employment which happens when workers move from industries such as farming. From objective three, the study indicated the relationship between tourism and social Economic Development, through the provision of small or micro enterprises for certain citizens, through infrastructure to support the tourist market or trade including factors like good airports, security, hotels and roads, tourism can create employment opportunities for local communities, tourism can contribute to the overall economic growth of a region or country by generating income through expenditures on accommodation, food, transportation, and entertainment, tourism facilitates cultural exchange between tourists and locals, promoting mutual understanding and appreciation, tourism can contribute to government revenue through taxes, fees, and permits, tourism can help diversify the economy of a destination, reducing dependence on a single industry.
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    Examining the Challenges Faced by Women Employees in Tourism Industry in Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Kamugisha, Serestine
    The study examined the challenges faced by women employees in the tourism industry in Kabale District. The study was guided by three objectives which were: to identify the roles of women employees in the tourism industry, to establish the challenges women employees are facing in the tourism industry in Kabale district, to suggest the measures to solve the challenges women employees are facing in tourism industry in Kabale district. A targeted population was fifty-six (56) respondents who were considered for the study. These included senior staff, Head Guide, Manager, Tourists, Community members Local government officials. Both simple random and purposive sampling techniques in identifying the study sample population. The methods that were used in data collection included surveys, observation, and interviews. Data collected was edited, coded, entered into the computer, and analyzed with Excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables. According to the findings, 100% of the respondents agreed that there were several roles of women employees in the tourism industry including: women are better at anticipating guests' requirements, and their feminine touch gives beauty and elegance to the hospitality, women reduce gender inequality in development, women can play a role in regional dances, agriculture, homestays, food and beverage services, and making souvenirs, women are the key to tourism sustainability as the key in disseminating knowledge about cultural values, women play a role in making family decisions to do jobs, the process of involving women in tourism is shaped by gender ideology in society. The study revealed the challenges women employees are facing in the tourism industry and these included gender inequality in the hospitality industry, employers struggle when recruiting females into senior management positions, women having fewer opportunities to advance in their careers or to be promoted to a more senior position, women who have husbands and families are confronted. From objective three, the study indicated measures to solve the challenges women employees are facing in the tourism industry in Kabale district including regular training of the new workforce (female) on a regular basis is the only remedy available, need to create a more inclusive and equitable work environment, anti-discrimination policies, leadership and management training, flexible work arrangements, diversity and Inclusion Initiatives, education and skill development.
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    Investigation on the Factors Influencing Employee Turnover in Hospitality Industry in Kabale Municipality: A Case Study of Cephas Inn.
    (Kabale University, 2024) Vallence, Ayebazibwe
    Employee training was one-factor influencing employee turnover in the hospitality industry. Several studies continue to indicate hospitality as the most significant factors that influence tourist satisfaction this positively increases the level of tourism development, but the extent to which these cases are associated with hospitality industry trends is not known. This study aimed to fill this research gap. A cross-sectional study in which a mixed method of inquiry was used to collect data using a questionnaire. The questionnaire had both open and closed-ended questions to capture both quantitative and qualitative responses. A sample of study participants was drawn from the elements affecting tourists’ level of satisfaction. A total sample of 33 participants was selected. Result: Of the 33 participants that were interviewed, the highest number 48.5% belonged to the age group of 21-30 year males with 57.6% whereas the least number of respondents were females with 42.4% considering the age of respondents, Conclusion: Employee turnover has affected the performance of the hospitality industry, The study found that employee turnover and development was 72.4% being the most various factors that have increased the performance of the hospitality industry this finding positively increases employee turnover and indicates that it most employee training that is prevalently being used in the hospitality industry in Kabale municipality. The study proposed the following recommendations; Increase awareness among hotels and accommodations about new technologies, Develop and implement intervention programs to address new employee training, Train employees on new technologies and the benefits of promoting and developing hotel and accommodation facilities, and Conduct further research to gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between technology use, hotel and accommodation facilities, and tourism in the context of kabale municipality.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Contribution of Hot Springs to Community Development in Rubanda District: A Case Study of Nyamasizi Hotsprings in Hamurwa Subcounty.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Tahinduka, Merisah
    The study focused on the findings of the study which was to contributions of Nyamasizi hot springs to community development of Rubanda District. The objectives of the study included the following, to identify the local perceptions towards the potentiality of Nyamasizi hot springs in terms of tourism business, to assess the contributions of the hot springs towards community development and to identify challenges facing the local communities around the Nyamasizi hot springs. There was a critical review of the issues that were explored and studied both theoretically and empirically in the existing literature on Nyamasizi hot springs as an independent variable, community development as the dependent variable, and the methods of data collection that were put into action. The research used 50 respondents as the sample size, and both qualitative and quantitative methods and data analysis were employed. The researcher used simple random sampling techniques in collecting and analyzing data and was used to provide equal chances to the sample size. Purposive sampling was also used to collect data from respondents who participated in the study. Findings of the study were obtained from the field, interpreting the results analyzed based on the specific objectives of the study chapter five portrayed the summary of findings, the recommendations of the study were, that there should be a need to analyze the contributions (both positive and negative) ofNyamasizi hot spring towards economic development of Rubanda district and there should be involvement of local people in decision making and be consulted on policies regarding potential hot spring resources and their ability to influence these decisions.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Contributions of Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Towards Economic Development of Kisoro District: A Case Study of Gisozi Parish.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Munyambabazi, Danny
    The main of this study was to investigate the contribution of Mgahinga Gorilla National Park towards the economic development of Kisoro District. This study attempted to assess the services offered by Mgahinga Gorilla National Park to the economic development of Kisoro District both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. The contribution of Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, the problems facing it, and their mitigating measures have been examined and finally, recommendations were given. Wildlife conservation and economic development have remained a statement for tourism and biodiversity conservation to ensure natural capacity equality in Uganda. There was a need to carry out a study to establish why a phenomenon is in place and what should be done to mitigate the problem. It was found out that UW A disburses 20% of park entrance fees called "Revenue Sharing" to improve the socio-economic livelihoods of the people surrounding the area. Other stakeholders include CARE, MBIFCT, USAID, and World Bank Global Environment (WBGE), and others to mention but a few. All these work in collaboration to promote wildlife conservation as well as tourism. The research findings also indicated that people's standards of living improved because of MGNP through providing employment opportunities. It also revealed that local people especially women have had their income improved as a result of the contribution of MGNP since they have a ready market for their crafts like baskets, bags, and hats made from local materials. The researcher's findings revealed that tourists have come with some negative contributions to the local people like cultural degeneration. This is due to some unacceptable habits like Kissing, Hugging, and Indecent dressing among others which have had a big impact on local people, especially tour guides who interact directly with tourists from different areas with different cultures. From the Research findings Recommendations were prescribed for instance if the government of Uganda and Kisoro District local government could make a strong policy governing the contribution of MGNP, and increase the setting up of many campsites, it could help them get more funds from the industry in the form of taxes. The District procedure and marketing Department should sensitize the farmers around MNP on market gardening and other valuable crops to be grown. This is because farmers in surrounding areas still engage themselves in growing traditional crops such as sorghum, wheat, maize, and many others which do not create a market in tourist campsites.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of Covid-19 on the Performance of Selected Hotels in Mbarara City.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Mukama, Gad
    This study was about the effect of COVID-19 on the performance of selected hotels in Mbarara city. The general objective of the study was to find out the effects of COVID-19 on the performance of selected hotels in Mbarara City. Three specific objectives guided the study including; examining the effect of COVID-19 on hotel employees, evaluating the performance of Hotels in Mbarara City, and finding out the relationship between COVID-19 and the performance of Hotels in Mbarara City. The study employed used a descriptive cross-sectional survey design where data was collected across the population at one point in time and a mixed approach was employed. Using a questionnaire research instrument, data was collected from 87 respondents that included the hotel managers and selected workers of Triangle Hotel, Luongo Hotel, Jameson, Agip, and San Diego. The first study examining the effect of COVID-19 on hotel employees revealed that client reeducation was the major effect of COVID-19 that affected visitors to the hotels as revealed by 65% of the respondents. The second study objective about evaluating the performance of Hotels in Mbarara city revealed that before covid-19 pandemic there were stable employees as reflected by 33% responses, during covid-19 pandemic there was client reduction as mentioned by 65% of respondents. The third study objective about the relationship between COVID-19 and the performance of Hotels in Mbarara City revealed that there was an effect mentioning the reduction of salaries as the major relationship between the variables. The study therefore recommended that Hotels in Mbarara city be ready for a post-corona environment. There are different scenarios on when the industry will recover, what new challenges and standards will be imposed, who are more likely to travel which products and services will disappear and transform. Hence the stakeholders especially hotel owners should be able to create different action plans for each scenario to be put into action after recovery.
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    Examining Factors Responsible For the Continued Illegal Use of Wildlife Resources at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Muhumuza, Ambrose
    The illegal use of wildlife is a threat to biodiversity globally, causing negative biological. ecological, economic, and social impacts and acting as a primary threat to maintaining national parks. At Bwindi impenetrable forest national park south western Uganda, When the national park was set up by an act of parliament in of Uganda 1991, it caused high levels of conflict and resistance from local people who became excluded from the area and its resources. As a result, in the years that followed, some 'integrated conservation and development' (ICD) interventions were carried out to reduce conflict by improving the livelihoods of communities living around Bwindi National Park. The study examined the factors responsible for the continued illegal use of wildlife resources at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Assessing the Role of Local Government Towards the Development of Tourism in Rwanda: A Case Study of Musanze District.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Tuyishime, Jean Claude
    The exploitation of natural resources has been attributed to the fact that the human population keeps enlarging, thus there is a lot of pressure on the utilization of natural resources. Other challenges like poaching. deforestation, grazing, and bush burning lead to the destruction of tourism destinations and the environment at large thus impacting the eco-systems within the environment and causing environmental erosion. The study examined the contribution of Local development of tourism destinations in Rwanda in Musanze District.
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    Tourist Road Experiences Around Lake Bunyonyi In Kabale, South Western Uganda
    (Kabale University, 2023) Atuheire, Timothy
    This study investigated "Tourist road experiences around Lake Bunyonyi in Kabale, south Esemganda. It was carried out among tourists at Lake Bunyonyi Camp site, including cottages such as Bunyonyi Safaris Resort, Lake Bunyonyi Eco Resort, Bunyonyi Overland Resort. The study was guided by three objectives namely; identify the most common road challenges faced by tourists around Lake Bunyonyi in Kabale. me perceptions and attitudes of tourists towards road infrastructure in the Lake Bunyonyi area and identify strategies for improving road conditions and infrastructure in the area around Lake Bunyonyi. The study employed qualitative research design and collected data through interviews as instruments for data collection. Both primary and secondary methods of research data collection were used. The study employed both purposive and non-probability sampling design using quota sampling technique and it involved a sample size of 30 respondents. The study found out chat the tourist road experiences are both negative and positive. The study found that the state of the roads in the area is poor, with potholes, no street lighting and also with poor signage. Also the poor conditions of the roads in the area often cause life threatening events such as accidents, and increased safety challenges to the tourists using these roads. A number of strategies have been put in place to improve on road conditions but a lot is still desired. The study further concluded that although the roads are poor, experiences of the tourists vary depending on the effect of what is experienced and the overall impact on tourist satisfaction. The study further brought to the fore some action oriented recommendations towards improvement of road experiences in order to realize tourist satisfaction such as the need for improving the road conditions through constant renovation. However the study highlights that this calls for the attention of government and increased community participation in road maintenance activities if tourist satisfaction is to be boosted in the area. Therefore, Uganda National Roads Authority should focus on developing a comprehensive road infrastructure plan, which includes regular maintenance, repairing of potholes, and improving road signage by installing signposts to provide clear directions to tourists using the roads leading to lake Bunyonyi campsite.
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    The Contributions of Cultural Entertainment Groups to Tourism in Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Ahumuza, Shallot
    Cultural entertainment has had great tourism potential in attracting visitors and preserving local cultures and the environment. Over the years, its impact has been greatly felt in the tourism sector in many parts of the world. The past life of a typical Roman was filled with so much fun and enjoyment so the need to input different activities to help them get the best out of their social lives was paramount for the king at that time. In today's world, entertainment has moved from mere storytelling, gladiator fight,s and horse races to big business in Europe. The general objective of this study was to Assess the contributions of cultural entertainment groups to tourism in Kabale district.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Assessing the Effects of Tourism Revenue Sharing to the Improved Livelihood to the Neighboring Communities of Bwindi: A Case Study of Uhoma Sector.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Mutungyirehi, Dan
    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of tourism revenue sharing to the improved livelihood to the neighboring of communities of Bwindi. The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The sample size of 178 respondents was used selected from a total population of 300. Purposive Sampling and simple random sampling were adopted for this study. Questionnaire and interviewing methods were used as data collections methods. The findings revealed that 81.9% of the respondents stated that they had benefited from revenue sharing scheme, while 18.1 % of the respondents stated that they had not benefited from revenue sharing. Findings therefore indicated that majority of the respondents had benefited from the revenue sharing. The study recommends that Uganda wildlife staff should always engage community political leaders, so that they involve other stake holders in conservation.