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Item Open Access 00R - The Library Association RECORD 2000- Index(kabale university, 2000) Bazirake, Bernard BamuhiigaThis item contains the Library Association Record index 2000Item Open Access Analysis of Library and Information Science/Studies (LIS) Education Today: The Inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge and Multicultural Issues in LIS Curriculum(Kabale University, 2013) G. Kabatangare, TumuhairweThe paper analyses the inclusion indigenous knowledge and multicultural issues in library and information science/studies (LIS) curricula. Using literature review the paper presents the scenario in both developed and developing countries. In North America and Europe, recognition of diversity as valuable to professionalism and necessary for generating culturally competent librarians and library staff is evident. On the contrary, LIS schools and LIS institutions and educators in developing countries of Africa have almost no record on the inclusion of indigenous knowledge and multiculturalism in LIS education. Challenges to the effective inclusion of indigenous knowledge and multiculturalism to LIS education programs in developing countries exist, and are largely perception and attitude, inadequacy in skills, and inadequacy in funding. There is a need to revise and improve the curricula for library schools, especially in the developing countries of Africa, towards the inclusion of indigenous knowledge and multicultural issues.Item Open Access A Secure Application for Information Sharing i n Organizations: A Case Study of Kabale District Local Government(Global Society of Scientific Research and Researchers, 2016) Ivan, Niyonzima; Godfrey, Omoda OnyaitInformation shared is exposed to threats of confidentiality, integrity and availability needed for decision making in org anizations. A case study was carried out at Kabale District local Government where interviews and questionnaires were administered to purposively selected elements of the study. The findings revealed that the information shared within the organization is e xposed to potential threats that can put the organization’s information at a risk of being accessed by unauthorized users. The following factors for securing information were identified and used in the development of a secure application for information sh aring in organizations. These factors include; denying unauthorized staff and other individuals from gaining access to personal data, passwords to be treated as private to the individual, secure disposal of information, paper files to store in secure locat ions and only accessed by those who need to use them. In this application, the information is encoded using crypto graphical methods that cannot be easily intercepted, such that only the intended recipient is able to receive it in its original format for d ecoding. This makes information shared secure. The application was tested and validated by a range of stakeholders and it was found secure. For the future work, a survey will be carried out in a range of organizations in order to develop an improved applic ation for information sharing.Item Open Access A Performance Analysis of Business Intelligence Techniques on Crime Prediction(International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 2017) Ivan, Niyonzima; Emmanuel Ahishakiye; Elisha Opiyo Omulo; Ruth WarioLaw Enforcement agencies are faced with a problem of effectively predicting the likelihood of crime happening given the past crime data which would otherwise help them to do so. There is a need to identify the most efficient algorithm that can be used in crime prediction given the past crime data. In this research, Business intelligence techniques considered was based on supervised learning (Classification) techniques given that labeled training data was available. Four different classification algorithms that is; decision tree (J48), Naïve Bayes, Multilayer Perceptron and Support Vector Machine were compared to find the most effective algorithm for crime prediction. The study used classification models generated using Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA). Manual method of attribute selection was used; this is because it works well when there is large number of attributes. The dataset was acquired from UCI machine learning repository website with a title ‘Crime and Communities’. The data set had 128 attributes of which 13 were selected for the study. The study revealed that the accuracy of J48, Naïve bayes, Multilayer perceptron and Support Vector Machine (SMO) is approximately 100%, 89.7989%, 100% and 92.6724%, respectively for both training and test data. Also the execution time in seconds of J48, Naïve bayes, Multilayer perceptron and SVO is 0.06, 0.14, 9.26 and 0.66 respectively using windows7 32 bit. Hence, Decision Tree (J48) out performed Naïve bayes, Multilayer perceptron and Support Vector Machine (SMO) algorithms, and manifested higher performance both in execution time and in accuracy. The scope of this project was to identify the most effective and accurate Business intelligence technique that can be used during crime data mining to provide accurate results.Item Open Access Crime Prediction Using Decision Tree (J48) Classification Algorithm.(International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 2017) Ivan, Niyonzima; Emmanuel Ahishakiye; Elisha Opiyo Omulo; Danison TaremwaThere had been an enormous increase in the crime in the recent past. Crimes are a common social problem affecting the quality of life and the economic growth of a society. With the increase of crimes, law enforcement agencies are continuing to demand advanced systems and new approaches to improve crime analytics and better protect their communities. Decision tree (J48) applied in the context of law enforcement and intelligence analysis holds the promise of alleviating such problem. Data mining is a way to extract knowledge out of usually large data sets; in other words it is an approach to discover hidden relationships among data by using artificial intelligence methods of which decision tree (J48) is inclusive. The wide range of machine learning applications has made it an important field of research. Criminology is one of the most important fields for applying data mining. Criminology is a process that aims to identify crime characteristics. This study considered the development of crime prediction prototype model using decision tree (J48) algorithm because it has been considered as the most efficient machine learning algorithm for prediction of crime data as described in the related literature. From the experimental results, J48 algorithm predicted the unknown category of crime data to the accuracy of 94.25287% which is fair enough for the system to be relied on for prediction of future crimes.Item Open Access Librarians’ Awareness and Perception towards the Adoption of Cloud-Based Technologies in Public University Libraries in South-South Nigeria(Islamic University Multidiscilpinary Journal, 2018) Edwin, Achugbue IThis study investigated librarians’ awareness and perception towards the adoption of cloud-based technologies in public university libraries in South-south, Nigeria and determine the perception of librarians towards the adoption of cloud-based technology in university libraries. The descriptive survey method was used for the study. The population of this study was 226 librarians in public university libraries in South-south Nigeria. Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection and 226 copies of questionnaire were administered. In response, 188 copies were retrieved and found useable, thereby indicating a response rate of 83%. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The study established that the level of librarians’ awareness and perception towards the adoption of cloud-based technologies in public university libraries in South-south, Nigeria is poor. The study also revealed that the perception of librarians towards the adoption of cloud-based technologies in the university libraries is poor. The study recommended that proper and adequate trainings, workshops and conferences should be organized to sensitize and improve librarians’ knowledge and understanding of emerging technologies in libraries.Item Open Access Developing Countries and Blockchain Technology: Uganda’s Perspective(International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology, 2018) Ivan, Niyonzima; Ruth Wario; Emmanuel AhishakiyeBlockchain is receiving ever-growing attention from research and industry and is considered a breakthrough technology. This paper presents an overview of Blockchain Technology and its potential applications in developing countries especially Uganda. It was noted that these nations have the potential to progress, but do not have adequate access to present day technology, primarily due to lack of infrastructure and thus Blockchain Technology will fill the gaps. Fundamentally, these nations need transparency, security, and accountability in their processes, all of which are cornerstones of Blockchain technology. Finally, this paper reveals that due to the support from both government and non-governmental organizations, and the establishment of the Blockchain Association of Uganda, Uganda is ready for Blockchain Technology.Item Open Access Mobile Enabled Vehicle Tracking System a Case of Long Distance Bus Companies in E. Africa(Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), 2019) Conrad M., Mubaraka; Ivan, NiyonzimaThe use of Global Positioning System (GPS) has remarkable contribution in tracking human behaviour ranging from stationed persons to those in transit, especially trans-border bus drivers. With the current road Carnegies in E.African routes there suffices need to track vehicles and drivers behavior from a central station. This not only curbs down bribery with traffic officers but also tames bus drivers hence reducing on accident prevalence. A design science research methodology was adopted with six major bus companies and a prototype (Me V track system) developed to assist in this Nobel cause. It was found to be handy in reducing fatal accidents in the region. However the research recommends that in an event that the GPS is incapacitated the SMS enabled notification can be of paramount importanceItem Open Access A Computer-Aided Justice Management System: A prototype for Universities in Uganda(International Journal of Engineering Research & Science, 2019) Conrad M., Mubaraka; Moses, Agaba; Ngige, J. Ng’ang’aJustice Management in any organisation is recipe for proper management and organisational prosperity. As error is to human, disputes are inevitable but should be resolved amicably. With a focus on higher institutions of learning justice administration and management is handy in managing competition and so profit maximization especially in the current privatization of higher education. The study aimed at designing a prototype for universities which ultimately helps local citizens to interpret law. Six universities were purposively selected and a cross sectional and design science research methodology employed. The study found that if improved the proposed justice management system would significantly reduce the prevailing challenges of case backlog, losses and postponed hearing records, timely and responsiveness of summons among others. However, in future the small messaging system (SMS) enabled systems could also be considered together with translator into major local languages.Item Open Access ICT Enabled Learning and Teaching Innovations in Higher Education(2019) G. Kabatangare, TumuhairweIt is overwhelmingly clear today that new age 21st century Information Communication Technology (ICT) has taken over the lesser sustainable old age traditional information communication models and is being incorporated more and more, challenges notwithstanding, into higher education delivery services. African higher education institutions must therefore tap into the invaluable opportunity that ICT provides towards contributing to the efficient and effective delivery of higher education in today’s modern technologically inclined world environment. However, it is hard to use video materials for the electronic learning contents and provide the video meeting system among members since the Internet infrastructure in these countries is not good enough for applications requiring high speed network. Despite the opportunities that ICT provides for efficient higher education delivery, several existing challenges seriously impede the full integration of ICT into higher education delivery. These challenges include the unavailability of adequate ICT resources in higher education institutions, low student to ICT ratios, ICT illiteracy, ineffective curriculum development to suit electronic learning and teaching models, lack of appropriate ICT skills by the higher education stakeholders, limited or no access to power, costly internet access and challenges in the preparation, planning and maintenance of quality in the standardization of locally developed intellectual content. The objective of this research study paper is to determine the; sustainable development benefit of ICT enabled learning and teaching innovations in higher education, challenges to their integration into higher education and policy recommendations to overcome those challenges. The research design was of a descriptive survey nature based on a purposive critical analytical literature review methodology sourcing relevant purposively sampled literature on the; sustainable development benefit of ICT enabled learning and teaching innovations in higher education, challenges to their integration into higher education and policy recommendations to overcome those challenges. The conclusion arrived at was that efficient ICT enabled learning and teaching innovations’ integration into higher education is of critical positive significance to sustainable development of higher education in the developing world, however, it is hard to use video materials for the electronic learning contents and provide the video meeting system since the internet infrastructure in these countries is not good enough for applications requiring high speed network and policy intervention is a prerequisite for remedial action to this challenge among other interrelated challenges to the efficient integration of ICT enabled learning and teaching innovations into higher education.Item Open Access Transforming Library and Higher Education Services in Support of Industrialization and Modernization(2019) G. Kabatangare, TumuhairweThe major findings discovered throughout the research study were that the transformation and redefinition of academic library service in the higher education sector in support of industrialization and modernization is inevitable in order for the sector to stay relevant and that this critically hinges on functionalizing the productive involvement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) based digitalization of traditional higher education academic library service in the current global communication circuit of creation, organization, distribution, preservation and use of knowledge and information to efficiently meet current 21st century technologically and digitally inclined user needs. The objective of this paper was to examine the significance of ICT based digital transformation and redefinition of higher education academic library service in support of modernization and industrialization to staying relevant by meeting 21st century technologically and digitally inclined user needs. The research design was of a descriptive survey nature based on a critical analytical literature review methodology sourcing relevant purposively sampled literature from Library and Information Science (LIS) data bases and the world-wide-web for grey literature using a purposively selected higher education academic library service provider target population. The conclusion arrived at was that ICT based higher education academic library service digital transformation was a significant necessity for the service to stay relevant to 21st century modernized industrialized user needsItem Open Access A Mobile Science Laboratory: Architectural Design For Secondary Schools In Uganda(Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST, 2019-03-03) Conrad M., Mubaraka; Eunice, NdyareebaThe teaching-learning process has remarkable effect on the entire education system in Uganda. Science subject have been peculiar in numerous forums hence a desire to change the modus operandi to demystify the illusion of difficult in students’ minds. The study was partially experimented at Hilltop S.S.S _Sheema in Western Uganda to assess the role the ICTs can make in the teaching and learning of science subjects (i.e. Biology, Chemistry and Physics). The 16 participating schools alluded to effective use of ICT when practical sessions were recorded and replayed before some students. An architectural design of a mobile science laboratory was developed which registered significant effect among students in Sheema and Uganda as a whole. The study thus recommended that schools can adopt this architecture to not only cut costs but also allow self-directed learning of the students.Item Open Access Patients’ Health Records Management in Ugandan Hospitals: A Case of Kabale Regional Referral Hospital(International Journal for e-Learning Security (IJeLS), 2020) Daniel, Nabimanya; Sembatya, Richard; Ambrose, Atuhaire; Phelix, Businge MbabaziPersonal health record (PHR) is considered as an emerging patient-centric model of health information exchange, where people can share their health information to other people, however most health facilities in Uganda have not yet adopted it. The study investigated the patients’ health record management at Kabale Regional Referral Hospital. The researcher interviewed fifty (50) Interviewees and data was analyzed using NVIVO version 11.The findings revealed that 88% of the total interviewees express the need for their information to be kept secret from untrusted parties while 12% of the total interviewees didn’t express the need for their information secrecy from untrusted parties. When asked what they feel about what should be done to stop information disclosure to untrusted parties , 20% of the Interviewees expressed concern for keeping their information in closed rooms, 60% of the Interviewees expressed concern for information storage in the computer with passwords and 20% of the respondents expressed concern for hiring external authorities to store their information. The study concluded that privacy of patients’ records was vital to the patients and recommended that security measures be implemented.Item Open Access Web 2.0 Students Adoption Model for Learning in Universities: A Case of Muni University, Uganda(International Journal for e-Learning Security (IJeLS), 2020) Phelix, Businge Mbabazi; Nicholas, Nkamwesiga; Ritah, Nafuna; Patricia, KyomugishaThe Web 2.0 is generally known as web technologies, tools, and software applications that support collaborative effort to create and share data [1]. Web 2.0 renders new teaching and learning technologies and can transform the way lecturers and students interact with each other and how students interact with others beyond four walls of the classroom. This study determined the students’ attitudes towards accepting the use of Web 2.0 Technologies for learning beyond the ordinary classroom. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model by Venkatesh et al. [2] was employed in this study to determine the strength of predictors for intention to accept and use Web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning. Questionnaires were administered to 100 students in the Faculty of Technoscience, Muni University. SPSS version 21 was used in data analysis. The results were presented in form of Tables, charts and means, percentages. P-values were used to predict the factors for the adoption of Web 2.0 in the process of teaching and learning in higher education. The results confirm several relationships in the UTAUT model as proposed by Venkatesh et al. [2] in predicting the behavioral Intention to use Web 2.0 for learning. The model shows that students’ behavioral intention to use Web 2.0 depends on performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions. The study also showed that students use YouTube, Facebook and Google Apps but not LinkedIn, Social Bookmarking, Moodle, Zoom, Edx, MIT Courseware, and Dropbox among others.Item Open Access Awareness and Use of Electronic Resources by Undergraduate Students at Kabale University, Uganda(Islamic University Multidisciplinary Journal, 2020) Iroroeavwo Edwin, Achugbue; Benjamin, AhimbisibweThe paper focused on the awareness and use of electronic resources by undergraduate students at Kabale University. It discusses the importance of electronic resources and types of electronic resources; survey research design was adopted for the study and the instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The target population of this study comprises 2, 600 undergraduate’s students who are duly registered at Kabale University library for the 2018/2019 academic session. A total of 475 of the total population were drawn using a random sampling technique. 475 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and a total of 469 was duly completed and found usable, which gave 99% response rate. The data collected for this study was analyzed using simple percentage and frequency counts. The study revealed that electronic resources have tremendous impacts on the undergraduate’s students in the course of their academic pursuit. The study also revealed that majority of the respondents makes use of electronic resources on a weekly basis. However, the major challenge undergraduates face with the use of electronic resources is lack of adequate training, followed by lack of expert help while some others complained of slow internet connectivity.Item Open Access Contextualizing Wilson’s Information Behavior model in Seeking Indigenous Information for HIV prevention among Adolescents in Secondary schools, Uganda(DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2020) Olivia Nina, Rugambwa; Lyaka, Martha; Mutibwa, Lois NankyaEffective communication of quality health information in emergency situations is critical in curbing the spread of diseases. Health programs promoting both biomedical and indigenous representations in HIV prevention have been found to be more effective than those that ignore lay representations. Nonetheless, there is still limited documentation on indigenous information supporting health choices among adolescents in secondary schools in Uganda. Besides, the information sources from where adolescents seek this information are not clear. This paper presents Wilson’s Information Behavior model as the theoretical anchor used to understand how utilization of Indigenous information can be enhanced among adolescents for improved health choices on HIV prevention. The model was used as part of a doctoral study project to study the problem and propose a research design. The key constructs of the model adopted for the study include; context of information need, person in context, activating mechanism, and information search behavior, information processing and use. These served as the blueprints for enhancing access and use of indigenous information for HIV prevention in a school setting.Item Open Access Citation Analysis of Undergraduate Projects Report in the Department of Library and Information Science Kabale University Uganda: An In-Text Citation Study(Journal of Library and Information Sciences, 2020) Iroroeavwo Edwin, Achugbue; Benjamin, Ahimbisibwe; Olivia Nina, Rugambwa; Patrick, OdongPurpose – The study focused on citation analysis of in-text citations of undergraduate projects research in the department of library and information science, Kabale University Uganda. The purpose is to determine numbers of in-text citations, in-text citations sources, number of in-text citations per programme and students conformity with American Psychological Association style of citations and references. Design/method/approach - The study adopted a citation analysis method to study the in-text citations of undergraduate research projects submitted by graduates of the department of library and information science Kabale University, Uganda. The study covered the period of 2015 to 2019 sets of graduate’s research projects submitted to the department. Analysis focused on in- text citations, in-text citations per programme, in-text citations conformity with APA and in-text citations not in conformity with APA. Findings - The study found that students had the highest number of in-text citations in their research project in 2019 and most of their citations were in journals and books. The study also revealed that programmes in the department of library and information science (Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences- BLIS and Bachelor of Records Management -BRIM)) students’ projects research had the highest number of in-text citations in their research and that most of their in-text citations in both programmes did not conform to APA style of citations. Originality - Undergraduate students of the department of library and information science of Kabale University, Uganda, need good orientation on broad research culture. Most especially in-text citation and referencing this will help them to guild against plagiarism and ensure that sources of research information, authors and literature are acknowledged.Item Open Access Mobile-Commerce Usage Challenges among University Students in Uganda: A Case of Kabale University.(International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2020) Phelix, Businge Mbabazi; Micheal, Tamale; Patricia, KyomugishaMobile commerce (m-commerce) is a new trend in e-commerce that covers a number of services that are conducted online with the help of various computing devices. These services include among others; mobile financial services e.g., mobile banking, mobile payments, mobile brokering etc., mobile shopping services e.g., mobile ticketing and mobile auctioning, and mobile entertainment services e.g., mobile music, mobile gaming, mobile movies, etc. Some of these services can help students access the University services easily and generally improve their social wellbeing and generally ease their academic process. University students contribute a big percentage of internet Users in Uganda yet their participation in M-commerce is not felt or least felt in most cases. The study established the Mobile commerce services utilized by university students and ascertained the challenges students face in using M-commerce. This study was conducted at Kabale University with an estimated population of 150 students from the faculty of Computing, library and information science, cross sectional survey method was used where data was collected using google forms and analyzed using SPSS 25 and results were statistically represented inform of tables, charts and graphs using frequencies and percentages. The findings revealed that smartphones and laptops were the top most devices used to access Internet in University. The results further showed that music, gaming and banking were most frequently accessed mobile services online however Cost of maintaining operating Internet, Preference for 'feel and touch' features of products, Security Challenges, Slow speed of the Internet, Lack of Credit Cards and Payment Systems were cited among the key challenges though skilled manpower was not a challenge to students. Therefore, the study suggests that since students own mobile devices and they can access mobile services given that they have skills, the university ought to address some of the cited challenges to have a conducive mobile commerce environment for the students.Item Open Access E-Book Mobile Application: A Case of Kabale University Mukombe Library, Uganda(East African Journal of Information Technology, 2022) Clare, Ninsiima; Patricia, KyomugishaGlobally, many academic e-books are available in user-friendly forms like PDF and HTML that can be accessed on laptops, iPads, and smartphones, even though some e-books require a special e-book reader. However, university students find it difficult to access e-books because some of the university libraries have few computers that hold the downloaded e-books, which are stored in a folder, and little effort has been made as a result; there is low usage of e-books. The project’s goal was to investigate how e-book applications work and how students at Kabale University can access e-books via mobile phone or tablet. The objectives of the project were to investigate the existing e-books application, design and develop the e-books application, and test and validate the developed application that enables students at Kabale University to access e-books simultaneously. The literature review helped me read a number of pieces of literature about e-book applications. They were information sources about the E-books application such as the internet, books, journals, and newspapers, among others. The use of existing information from the library helped to develop a model to predict the E-book application and testing of the application using Android smartphones. It was concluded that the implementation of the e-book’s application was done using Android to enable users to access the books on their mobile phones or tablets. The study recommends that the administrator of the system should be taken through the tasks in order to be able to upload books ready for the applicationItem Open Access Analysis of E-Exams performance under COVID-19 Pandemic at Kabale University, Uganda(East African Journal Of Science ,Technology and Innovation, 2022) Phelix, Businge Mbabazi; Nicholas, Nkamwesiga; BC, BashekaThere has been a shift in a mode of conducting exams from physical appearance of students to the electronic examinations due to covid-19 pandemic. This paper presents the experience in the management of e-exams as part of the summative evaluation of students. This was achieved by establishing the readiness strategies for managing e-exams, determining the performance of e-exams management and ascertaining the challenges faced during the management of e-exams.
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