The Correctness and Completeness of Documentation of Parameters on the Partographs used by Midwives in Primary Healthcare Facilities in Midwestern Uganda: A retrospective Descriptive Study
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Nursing Open. 2022;00:1–6. |
Aim: This study was conducted to determine the correctness and completeness of
documentation of partographs.
Design: This was a retrospective descriptive study.
Methods: We included 365 partographs of deliveries conducted from January 1st to
October 31st 2019. Data were collected using a checklist and analysed descriptively.
The study based on 13 partograph parameters.
Results: About 8–13 parameters were correctly documented in 71.5 % of the par-
tographs. About 38.9%, 24.7%, 99.7%, 22.5% and 16 % of the partographs had no
documentation of obstetric risk factors, foetal heart rate, colour of liquor, uterine
contractions and cervical dilatation respectively. About 12.1% of the cervicographs
crossed the action line and 61.4% of partographs where cervicographs crossed the
action line had no documentation of action(s) taken.
Care, Completeness, Correctness, Intrapartum, and Partograph