Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Joint Education Provision: A Relief or Challenge to Quality Education Services in Uganda. “A Study in Buganda Region”.
    (2011) Sempungu, Godfrey
    The National Constitution of Uganda underscores the fact that education is a right of every Ugandan. The same document also stipulates the role of the Government and other stakeholders in providing education. It is from this mother document that also the other key providers of education services derive their mandate. In Uganda, providers of education are either private or public. In some cases, the government takes over the management and day-to-day running of some schools whose founder body is private. This is mostly for those schools that are founded by the religious bodies. Hence the coining of the term ‘government-aided’ schools. Even in the previously entirely public-owned schools, the government has introduced cost sharing as it cultivates the culture of having the parents too, share in the task of shouldering some operational costs like lunch & scholastic materials for their children among others. Hence the purely public school has quickly faded off the Ministry of Education vocabulary and government-aided has come to be the key term embracing all schools with a government attachment. Grounded in the Ugandan education system’s practice of joint education service delivery, without losing sight of the bulk of private education providers, this study sought to test whether the quality of education delivered today is better than what it would be if one stakeholder provided the service. The study, in general, investigated the problems that affect the Ugandan school system, reviewed the government's position in lower levels of academia, and gave policy recommendations and suggestions for boosting school performance in light of the current performance. A low resource base is reported as one of the key problems that Ugandan schools still have to grapple with. It in turn has accounted for substandard infrastructure, poor library systems, inadequate teacher remunerations, and appalling student housing problems in some schools, among other challenges. Government stewardship through the Ministry of Education was also found wanting in some aspects. Increasing funding to the education sector was one of the recommended policy interventions. Consultation of all stakeholders even those in the private sector was highly encouraged to foster unity and flatten the ground between different school ownerships. This is projected to reduce the gap between private and public institutions and build a more sound education system founded in performance & qualitative delivery as opposed to institutional ownership. The coverage of this study could have been wider, but time and monetary resources were key hampering factors to a more exhaustive and comprehensive coverage. It is therefore my strong recommendation that a corrective study ought to be done. This should raise more palliative approaches to improving performance between the public and private sectors. The government also needs to realize that Uganda is a developing country and education is a priority that is highly needed to achieve and sustain development. They should therefore control most of the educational institutions as opposed to leaving the majority of them in the hands of private institution owners. The government too needs to improve its performance as regards the role of stewardship in its institutions. As far as achieving the objectives of the study is concerned, the study was largely successful.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Master of Monitoring and Evaluation
    (Kabale University, 2022) Kabale University
    This course recognizes the longevity of the practices of monitoring and evaluation which have trekked the long journey of human civilization and are claimed to be as old as man himself as well as th e growing importance attached to this field both as a practice and academic study. The course recognizes that the academic study of the field of monitoring and evaluation has gained immense interest due to the mismatch between demand and supply of M and E practitioners and Professionals. Government of Uganda designed the national monitoring and Evaluation policy of the country and it is anticipated that each Ministry, Department and Agency (MDA) will have a fully fledged monitoring and evaluation unit. Whil e some MDAs have moved towards this direction, others are yet to operationalize this partially due to lack of well trained experts in the field at graduate level. The overall goal of the Master of Monitoring and Evaluation Program is to strengthen the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of interventions by governments, civil society and non-government organizations as well as development partners in Sub-Saharan Africa through the development and enhancement of capacity for evaluation The program broadly aims to impart knowledge, skills and competences to students interested in building a career in monitoring and evaluation
  • ItemOpen Access
    Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management (MAPAM)
    (Kabale University, 2022) Kabale University
    This programme is meant to train and pass out graduates empowered with high and advanced skills and knowledge so as to meet the challenges of contemporary Uganda, East Africa, Africa and beyond. Quite a number of agencies, organisations and institutions find themselves persuaded to contribute to the urgency of providing a channel for equipping human resources or personnel with relevant and advanced skills to contribute to the required social economic transformation. The need and call for a very effective and faultless public management system is extremely necessary. It is believed and expected that that such a system is one that can/should play a key, driving role in bringing about attainment of that dream. Uganda just like other East African Countries or better said, Sub-Saharan African countries in general continue to grapple with the need for effective Public Administration and efficacy in political leadership, good governance, resources mobilisation and management. What we may call, ‘delayed’ development, is unacceptable.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management (MAPPM)
    (Kabale University, 2021) Kabale University
    The programme aims at providing participants with knowledge and skills necessary for effective performance in the role of project manager. It adopts a generic approach to project management and is designed for projects in construction and engineering, events management, research and development, community services, trade, tourism and agricultural projects. The programme consists of 15 compulsory taught courses while the second part will involve a project inform of a Dissertation Writing.t provides participants with the opportunity to study project planning and management at a broader and advanced level. Special emphasis is placed on both the practical and theoretical aspects of the discipline. The course is suitable for all people working in all organisations specifically Public Service, NGOs, and Private Sector Organisations.