Mathematical Modeling of the Transmission of Foot And Mouth Disease Virus in Cloven-Hooved Animals.

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Kabale University


In this study, propose and investigate a generalized model that describes the transmission dynamics of Foot and Mouth Disease in cloven-hooved animals. The transmission process from infected animals to other animals and contaminated environment to susceptible animals is modeled by the SAIR model which covers many special cases. We show that at a particular point in time,t, if the product of the population growth rater= Bµ and the sum of the natural death rate and the number of infected animals (weighted by the exposure rate) is greater than the product of the basic reproduction number and the number of susceptible animals, then the endemic equilibrium point will be stable and the disease will persist in the animal population. (That is, if r(+ BI) > RS" Furthermore, we show that if the product of the infection rate, an exposure rate, and the population growth rate r is less than the product of the sum a + µ, and 6 + y +µthen the disease-free equilibrium will be stable (that is; a{]r < (a + +)(6 + y + µ), where 8, y are the disease-induced death rate and recovery rates, respectively). This condition then implies that the disease can be eradicated from the population.



Mathematical Modeling, Transmission, Foot, Mouth Disease Virus, Cloven-Hooved Animals


Mbasa, Nikora (2022). Mathematical Modeling of the Transmission of Foot And Mouth Disease Virus in Cloven-Hooved Animals. Kabale: Kabale University.