Roles of ICT towards access to Information and their Use in Academic Institutions.A Case Study of Bishop Kivengyere Girls Secondary School Muyebe in Kabale District.

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Kabale University


The study was set to evaluate the roles of Information Technology on access to information in Academic Institutions. The study specifically assessed the adequacy of information technology in Bishop Kivengyere Girls in Kabale District and also to evaluate whether the use of ICT is contributing much towards academic excellence. The study was guided by objectives of finding out the extent to which computer usage has been embraced in schools; to investigate areas where computers are being used and assess the effect computer technology has on academic performance. The study sampled from one secondary school. Related literature on the role of information technology was reviewed. Opinions of other authors were read and references made to this effect associated with information technology in secondary schools. Chapter three spells out the methodology and the research design of the study. It stipulates study population, sample size and selection, source of data; questionnaires interview guide, data processing and analysis, ethical considerations and limitation. Chapter four includes introduction, demographic characteristics of the respondents, and findings on the embracement of ICT in secondary schools, roles of ICT and impact of ICT on academic performance. Chapter five includes introduction, summary of major findings, conclusion and recommendations.


A Research Report Submitted to the Department of Library and Information Science in Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement of the Award of A Diploma in Records Management of Kabale University


Information Communication and Technology, Academic Institutions, Information


Byishimo, I. (2014). Roles of ICT towards access to Information and their Use in Academic Institutions. Diploma Report, Kabale University, Uganda, Kabale.