The Impact of Keeping Records in Secondary Schools.A Case Study of St. Charles Lwanga Muko Secondary School in Kabale District
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Kabale University
The research study sought to find out the impact of records keeping at St. Charles Lwanga S.S.S. The researcher used research questions and objectives to investigate the matter and in order to thoroughly accomplish this, a review of related literature from various sources, scholars and academicians were searched. Random sampling was used to pick respondents from St. Charles Lwanga S.S.S who included; students, teachers, a Head Teacher, bursar and a secretary. It was discovered in chapter four that at St. Charles S.S.S several types of documents are kept which include application letters, teachers’ arrears, suspensions, U.P.E accountabilities, student’s enrollment, payment lists and students’ reports. The respondents also revealed that record keeping had great impact to the school as per response in table III. In the view of the findings however, the respondents mentioned some causes, challenges which are faced by the school and have negatively affected the performance of both record keeping and the school which included lack of stationary and equipment, inefficiency, lack of labor and storage space. It is however important to note that respondents went ahead and gave measures that may be taken to improve records keeping at St. Charles Lwanga S.S.S The researcher recommends that the school should budget and provide storage equipment for the library and records section, budget for the purchase of more reading materials for the library and send the records and information managers for refresher training courses
A Research Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of DiplomaiIn Records Management of Kabale University
Keeping Record, Secondary Schools
Akankwasa, T. (2013). The Impact of Keeping Records in Secondary Schools. Diploma Report, Kabale University, Uganda, Kabale.