The Role of School Management Committee and Pupils' Performance in Government Primary Schools in RuhiJa Town Council Rubanda District.
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Kabale University
Participation of School Management Committee members in meetings was one of the ways through
which pieces of advice would be provided to the school stakeholders including teachers, learners,
head teachers, casual labourers all aimed at shooting in a direction of uplifting the pupils' academic
performance (Lamb, 2007). The study was conducted aimed to investigating the role of school
management committee on pupils' performance in primary schools in Ruhija Town Council
Rubanda District. It adopted cross-sectional survey design alongside qualitative and qualitative
paradigms. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data for the study. Sample Size
considered only 222 respondents. The objectives included; establishing the impact of advisory role
towards pupils' performance; examining the effect of supervisory role on pupils' performance and
finally, ascertaining the contribution of empowerment role on pupils' performance in primary
schools. The major findings included; advising through meetings which had 60(27%)
ofrespondents, supervision involving cooperation towards pupils' performance that bad 3.49 mean
score and the standard deviation of 0.839; and School Management Committee to participate in
leading to reduced number of children in school that had 35% of the respondents. The study
concluded mentioning the role of school management committee on pupils' performance in primary
schools in Ruhija Town Council Rubanda District not to have been worth due to a number of
loopholes detected in members of the school management committee of certain schools which
included but not limited to; development of a culture of not trusting the employees that they could
improve academic standards, school management committees disrespecting teachers leading to
reduced enrollment of the school and failure of school management committees to understand the
responsibilities of each employee in school. Thus, there was need for more research about the role
played by the cohort mentioned as to improve on pupils' academic performance. The
recommendations included; the school management committee through meetings with members of
teaching staff and their head teachers should advise them properly and allow them to execute their
duties as expected in order to alleviate levels of understanding to children that lead to excellent
academic performance; more research should be carried out to allow the school management
committees not to dwell on advising head teachers only on matters of children's performance by
suggesting strategies but also the entire stakeholders whose effort can promote academic
performance of children in primary schools; need to formulate academic committees advised by the
members of school management committee on how to perform through motivational element
aiming at doing well academically to promote the names of the school; it is imperative that the
schools get in touch with the members of the school management committees who have some
formal education to quickly understand the value of education and how plans for developments of
certain sectors in school especially academic performance could be made; need to foster supervision
that involves cooperation towards pupils 'performance by all stakeholders; appointing an active
team that can do supervision to let children advance academically is healthy.
Niwagaba, Alex (2023). The Role of School Management Committee and Pupils' Performance in Government Primary Schools in RuhiJa Town Council Rubanda District. Kabale: Kabale University.