Lending appraisal and performance of SACCOS in Rukiga district, Uganda
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African Journal of Business Management
This study's objective was to assess how lending appraisal affected SACCO performance in the District.
The study's outcome variables were the performance of SACCOs, with SACCO governance serving as a
predictor variable. The investigation was preceded by a cross-sectional survey. Data from 5 SACCOs
with 109 respondents were collected, and both quantitative and qualitative analyses were merged. The
analysis was conducted at three levels, namely: Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses. Since
descriptive analysis entailed description of a single variable and its attributes, frequency tables were
used to present the data. At the bivariate level, a Pearson correlation matrix was conducted to ascertain
the relationships between the predictor variables and the dependent variable. The dependent variable
was regressed against using the updated predictor variables for loan approval at the multivariate level
(performance of SACCOs). A linear regression model was used to fit the data. According to study
findings from the regression model, loan appraisal (coef. = -0. 635, p-value=0.000) have a positive
influence on the performance of SACCO in District. This study's main finding is that corporate
governance has a big impact on SACCOS performance. The study consequently advises that more
emphasis should be given to implementing corporate governance in order to ensure good performance
of SACCOs in Rukiga District.
Lending appraisal, performance, SACCO
Agaba, M., Turyasingura, J. B., & Kabagambe, J. (2023). Lending appraisal and performance of SACCOS in district, Uganda. African Journal of Business Management, 17(2), 23-31