Evaluation of Electronic Records Management in Financial Institutions. Case Study of Lugazi Sacco in Mbarara District
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Kabale University
The study was focused on the Evaluation of Electronic Records Management in Financial Institutions and the case study was Lugazi SACCO in Mbarara District. The aim of the study was to encourage the use of electronic records in SACCOs and the objectives of the study were; to find out the benefit of electronic records in Lugazi SACCO, to find out the challenges faced by electronic records management in Lugazi SACCO and to establish the measures which Lugazi SACCO can put in place to overcome the above challeges. The target population was 50 respondents and the methods used to collect data from these respondents were Radom Sampling and Purposive Sampling. The findings of the study revealed that Lugazi SACCO has fully encouraged the use of electronic records which has led to the development of financial institutions in Mbarara district. Also credit facilities have been provided that has enabled people to pay school fess, buy land, motorcycles and house hold items. Savings accounts and fixed savings accounts have been opened and are operational. Training workshops in records management are also carried out on a quarterly basis. Entrepreneurial development skills have been carried out that have equipped people with knowledge and expertise on the use of electronic records in Mbarara District. The study concludes that there is need to assist in the evaluation and care for electronic records management in financial institutions for efficient and effective service delivery. The study finally recommends that people should be sensitized about the roles of electronic records management especially those in the finance department. Therefore, in the final analysis, the study proved to be positive basing on the responses obtained from the respondents.
Thus, the evaluation of electronic records management in financial institutions was justifiably exonerated positively.
Electronic Records, Records Management, Financial, Institutions