Improving women and children refugees’ livelihoods through self-reliance at Nakivale settlement, south western Uganda
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Kabale University Interdisciplinary Research Journal (KURJ
UNHCR reports that of the 82.4 million people who have been forced into displacement,
over half are women and children. The East African region hosts one of the highest levels
of refugees in the world. Refugees in Camps in Africa are confronted with a number of
challenges, one of them being over-reliance on food aid. In Uganda and particularly Nakivale
settlement, a number of strategies have been undertaken to improve women and children
refugees through self-reliance initiatives. This study examined how women and children
refugees’ livelihoods can be improved through self-reliance strategies. The study employed
a triangulation design to collect and analyze data. The study population for this study was
39523 women and children refugees (12 -17) and (18-59) gotten from a study population
of 104,009 women and children refugees. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods
of data analysis, the findings revealed that refugees’ livelihoods can be improved through
improved access to financial services and skills enhancement training. The study concluded
that access to financing services would improve women and children refugees’ livelihood.
The study thus, recommends that refugees be trained in different skills and later can be
provided with capital to enable them start to businesses or other self-reliance activities
instead of relying on handouts
Women and children refugees, Refugee livelihood, Nakivale Settlement - Uganda