Career Development Programmes and Employee Performance in Kanungu District Local Government


The study established the relationship between career development programs and employee performance in Local Governments in Kanungu District Local Government. The study established the relationship between staff training and employee performance in Kanungu District Local government; determined the relationship between career advancement and employee performance in Kanungu District Local government and; determined the relationship between career planning and employee performance in Kanungu District Local Government. The study espoused a cross sectional research design. The study used a sample of 175 respondents who were both purposively and randomly selected. Data collection in this study was done using questionnaires and interviews. Findings of the study revealed a positive but statistically significant relationship between staff training and employee performance. The Pearson correlation revealed a positive but statistically significant relationship between career advancement and employee performance meaning that career advancement based on competencies of members of staff, provision of scholarship to upgrade their knowledge and skills, having career progression plan guided on equity and merit and career progression guidelines which stipulates conditions for promotion are likely to bring about better employee performance geared towards timely achievement of Town Council targets. The findings indicated a Pearson correlation which showed a positive but statistically significant relationship between career planning prospects and employee performance meaning that having personal career plan, providing career advisory services, having career development plan and internal and external programs that develop members of staff as well as self-assessment tools would result into better employee performance. The study concluded that staff training, career advancement had positive significant relationship with employee performance in Kanungu District Local Government. The study concludes that career planning has a positive significant influence on employees’ performance. The study recommended that Town Councils understudy should regularly assess the training needs of staff before undertaking any training. To improve the performance of members of staff in Town Councils, career advancement should be based on competencies of members of staff, equity and merit and more scholarships should be awarded to members of staff to enable them advance career-wise.


A Research Dissertation Submitted to the Directorate of Postgraduate training in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of a Master of Arts Degree in Human Resource Management of Kabale University


Career Development Programmes, Employee Performance
