Examining the Causes and Consequences of School Dropout at Elementary Level in Rubaya Sub-County Kabale District.
Uganda was one of the first African countries to introduce Universal Primary Education (UPE). Many more schools were built, teachers trained and tuition fees abolished (Bitamazire, 2005). Despite the efforts made by the Government of Uganda to achieve UPE as part of the Education for All and Sustainable Development Goals, there are still many school-aged children who leave school at an early stage. For instance, the recent Uganda National Health Survey 2016/17 shows that 12 percent of school-going-age children have never attended while 48.2% have dropped out of school due to early pregnancies. parent's occupation. school expenses, parental education, household size, and proportion of economically active household members. the challenges associated with dropouts thus worry policymakers since they partly reflect the inadequacy of a schooling system in terms of either school quality or quantity. The increasing challenge of school dropout in primary schools needs to be addressed because of the many consequences attributed to it. It is from this background that in this study, the researcher set out to investigate the effects of socio-economic factors on school dropout among UPE schools in Rubaya Sub¬county, Kabale District. The main purpose of the study was to examine the socio-economic factors explaining pupils' dropout rates in UPE schools in Rubaya Sub-county, Kabale District.
Examining, Causes, Consequences, School Dropout, Elementary Level, Rubaya Sub-County, Kabale District
Ayebare, Victor (2023). Examining the Causes and Consequences of School Dropout at Elementary Level in Rubaya Sub-County Kabale District. Kabale: Kabale University.