Practicing a Christian Environmental Ethic through Stewardship.

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Kabale University


This article defines the human’s moral and ethical obligations toward environment and development but based on Genesis 2:15 where ‘the LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden” to work it and take care of it. This implied that he was to think, plan, cultivate and improve on the same garden he had been placed other than living a contemplative life. The article portrays that God’s people are stewards but he retains ownership of all His creation through a careful study of God's Word as illuminated by a number of historical and recent authors. Then the article proposes the Christian’s practical implications as caretakers or managers of nature that will lead to the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The bible will be at the centre but other relevant sources that are extra- biblical will also be consulted as well.



Christian, Environmental, Ethic, Stewardship


Rugyendo, Medard (2024). Kabale: Practicing a Christian Environmental Ethic through Stewardship. Kabale University.