The Impact of School Management Committee on Pupils' Academic Performance of P.L.E in Primary Schools in Bukinda Sub-County Rukiga District.

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Twesiime, Prudence

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Kabale University


The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of the school management committee on pupils' academic performance in primary schools in Bukinda Sub-county Rukiga district. The study was guided by the following objectives; to find out how school management committee affects academic performance in primary schools, to establish how the motivation of teachers by school management committees influences pupils' academic performance in primary schools, and to investigate how monitoring of schools by school management committee influence the pupils' academic performance. The study was conducted in seven schools that were randomly selected in the sub country, the targeted respondents were Head teachers, District Education Officers, SMC members, teachers, and parents.



Impact, School Management Committee, Pupils, Academic Performance, P.L.E, Primary Schools, Bukinda Sub-County, Rukiga District


Twesiime, Prudence (2021). The Impact of School Management Committee on Pupils' Academic Performance of P.L.E in Primary Schools in Bukinda Sub-County Rukiga District. Kabale: Kabale University.