Project Feasibility Studies and Sustainability of Government Supported Projects in Uganda
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International Journal of Business and social science ADPEBI
The study investigated the impact of project feasibility studies on
the sustainability of government-supported projects in Uganda
using a case study of Parish Development Model in Kabale District.
Project feasibility studies were an independent variable, while
sustainability of government-supported projects was a dependent
variable. Before the study started, a cross-sectional survey was
done. 120 people participated in our survey, and we blended
quantitative and qualitative analyses. The analysis was conducted
on three separate levels and included descriptive, bivariate, and
multivariate approaches. Because the descriptive analysis required
the presentation of just one variable and its properties, frequency
tables were used to illustrate the data. A Pearson correlation matrix
was used to analyze the bivariate correlations between the
dependent variable and the predictor components. Regression
analysis results show that parish development models in Kabale
District are more effective when participatory projects are
implemented (coef = -0.715, p-value = 0.000). The main finding of
this study is that project feasibility studies have a substantial impact
on a parish development model project's sustainability. Parish
Development Model initiators should focus more on including
project beneficiaries in feasibility studies through project
applicability, relevance, reliability, and acceptance to ensure the
sustainability of all government-funded projects.