The Impact of Domestic Roles on Girls' Academic Performance in English in Maziba Sub County Kabale District.

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Kabale University


The study was conducted to examine the impact of domestic roles on girls' academic performance in English in Maziba sub-county, Kabale district. A cross-sectional survey approach that includes both qualitative and quantitative approaches was used. The study was limited to 50 (fifty) respondents. These were teachers, head teachers, parents and pupils. The instruments used were questionnaires and interviews. The findings of the study revealed that education is of great importance to any society because it raises the productivity of both men and women within and outside the home and helps individuals to control their environment and improve their lives. Education helps in creating and widening choices and opportunities for people. It reduces the twin burden of poverty and disease and gives a stronger voice among the marginalized individuals in the society of Maziba sub-county Kabale district. The impact of domestic roles like fetching water, collecting firewood, helping with the cooking and caring for the young interferes with schooling and depresses girls' performance. Girls suffer from overwork in the home, which makes them exhausted and many lose their interest in doing school work. In a family where there are both female and male pupils, the girls will always be busy from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed, while the boys will spend most of their time loitering, playing, and studying. They found that these practices put girls at a disadvantage because they contributed to poor performance, the role of girls in society and the organization of the school system being the major causes of poor academic performance. Decision-making power is a proxy of empowerment along with a few other proxies to investigate the effect of credit programs on women. Women have a limited role in household decision-making, limited access and control over household resources (physical and financial assets), low level of individual assets, heavy domestic workloads, restricted mobility, and inadequate knowledge and skills that lead to women's vulnerability. Despite their tremendous contribution to food production and well-being for the household, rural women are underestimated in development strategies and women's participation in household decision-making. can automatically increase the overall status of women and make them empowered. Historically, women have been considered as docile daughters, complacent wives, and dependent mothers. Based on the findings of the study and the conclusions drawn, recommendations were made.


A Research Report Submitted to the Faculty of Education in Partial Fulfilment of Requirements for the a Ward of Bachelor of Education Degree (Primary) of Kabale University


Domestic Roles ,Girls' Academic Performance , English
