Challenges in decentralization and service delivery, Wakiso district

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Kabale University Interdisciplinary Research Journal


The paper examined the challenges involved in service delivery under decentralization in Wakiso District, Uganda. The study was guided by a case study design and employed the qualitative data collection approach. A total of 50 people were targeted for the study from whom 44 respondents were selected using Krejcie and Morgan table. Semi structured questionnaire using interviews were used to collect data from 44 Sub County leaders in Wakiso district. Raw data collected was summarized, organized and analysed using simple content value analysis through triangulation. Results revealed the challenges that exist in service delivery are inadequate human resources, insufficient financial resources, greed, questionable land ownership and lack of political will, stakeholder involvement and bureaucratic bottleneck. The paper provides insights on undocumented challenges within decentralization and hindered service among the beneficiaries.



Decision making, governance, political-will, service delivery
