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  • ItemUnknown
    A Model for Organizational Preparedness of SMEs During COVID-19 Pandemic in Kigezi Sub-region in South Western Uganda.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Tamwesigire, Caleb; Nafiu, Lukman Abiodun
    The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has severely affected the global and Uganda economy with major victims being small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study examined and developed a model for organizational preparedness and business disaster of SMEs during COVID-19 pandemic in Kigezi sub-region in South Western Uganda. The specific objectives were to: (i)determine the characteristics of decision makers of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic; (ii) assess organizational features of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic; (iii) examine government response and preparedness of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (iv) model the relationship between those factors identified with organizational preparedness and the management of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional survey research design was employed and interviewer-administered questionnaire as a research tool was used to elicit information from the managers of SMEs across the six (6) districts of Kigezi sub-region. Two-stage cluster sampling technique was used and the sample size was computed using Yamane’s sampling formulae based on a 5% level of precision. The value of CVI obtained was 0.840 while the value of reliability obtained was 0.770, which indicated that the questionnaire items were relevant and suitable for the study. Five hundred and ninety one (591) questionnaires were administered to the SME owners/managers while four hundred and seventy six (476) questionnaires were returned, giving the overall return rate as 81%. The study identifies the factors that were significant with organizational preparednessand the management of business during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Kigezi sub-region in South Western Uganda as firm size, firm financial condition, risk perception, government subsidy, help received from NGOs and the loan received from the bank/SACCO; while other factors: firm year of existence, source of initial capital, and gender of owners/managers were found to be insignificant. The results showed that organizational features, characteristics of decision makers and government response accounts for a total of 27.9% improvement on the management of business disaster in the Kigezi sub-region. The results further indicate that organizational features (β=0.163, p-value=0.000) and characteristics of decision makers (β=0.021, p-value=0.648) have positive but significant effect while government response (β=-0.780, p-value=0.682) have negative but no significant effect on the management of business disaster. The study concludes that organizational features and characteristics of decision makers are important factors that affected the organizational preparedness and the management of business during COVID-19 pandemic in Kigezi sub-region in South Western Uganda. The study recommends that SME owners/managers should focus on improving their firms’ features; perfect the way they make decision by providing a critical dynamic resilience strategy framework to manage their SMEs during the crisis period. There is also need for government/NGO interventions in the area of subsidy for SME owners/managers during the pandemic to boost their businesses. Keywords: Organizational Features, Business Disaster, Decision makers, Pandemic, COVID
  • ItemUnknown
    Micro-Credit Institutions’ Services and Sustainability of Micro, Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises During Covid-19 Pandemic in Kigezi Region, South Western Uganda.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Agaba, Moses; Kaaya, Siraj; Nafiu, Lukman Abiodun
    The study examined the effect of Microcredit institutions' services on the sustainability of micro, small and medium-size enterprises of the Kigezi region, South Western Uganda during the Covid-19 pandemic. The specific objectives were to: determine the effect of loan provision by microcredit institutions on the sustainability of MSMEs; determine the effect of the provision of the saving account by microcredit institutions sustainability of MSMEs, and, investigate the effect of the provision of Managerial skills on the sustainability of MSMEs during Covid-19 pandemic in Kigezi Sub-Region, Uganda. The study was conducted in the Kigezi region of Uganda. The region has six (6) districts namely: Kabale, Kisoro, Kanungu, Rukungiri, Rubanda and Rukiga. The Kigezi region is situated in Southwestern Uganda. It is a very hilly, cold and mountainous region bordering the Republic of Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Because of its hills, mountains and cold weather, people call it the Switzerland of Africa. It is full of Agricultural Terraces and is home to the world-famous mountain gorillas. According to the National Census of 2014 and the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) Household survey of 2016, the region has a population of about 1.5 million people from the six (6) districts (Kabale, Kanungu, Rukungiri, Rubanda, Rukiga and Kisoro). The sample size was computed using Yamane's sampling formulae (Yamane, 1967) and was based on a 5% level of precision. A cluster sampling procedure was applied to select the enterprises' respondents. Enterprise owners and managers were the units of inquiry due to their importance as custodians of information on all the activities taking place in their respective MSMEs (Rhodes, 2009). The research population was divided into clusters (areas or districts) and the required sample was selected using simple random sampling. The study used an interviewer-administered structured questionnaire to collect the data. The value of CVI obtained was 0.78 while the value of reliability obtained was 0.767, which indicates that the questionnaire items were relevant and suitable for the study. Three hundred and twelve (312) questionnaires were administered while a total of two hundred and ninety-four (294) MSMEs returned the filled questionnaires, giving the return rate as 94.2%. The results indicate that a one-unit increase in Loan Provision would cause about 0.048 unit increase in Sustainability of MSMEs; one-unit increase in Saving Account would produce about 0.125 unit increase in Sustainability of MSMEs, and one-unit increase in Training on Managerial Skills would bring about 0.309 unit increase in Sustainability of MSMEs. This suggests that increases in Loan Provision; Saving Accounts; and Training in Managerial Skills help to increase Sustainability. The study concludes that loan provision by microcredit institutions did not sustain MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic in Kigezi Sub-Region Uganda; accessing an adequate amount of credit is an important factor in increasing the development and growth of SMEs; and, increasing Saving accounts and Training on Managerial Skills will increase Micro-credit Institutions’ Serviceability of MSMEs. The researchers recommend the use of sensitization of the clients and the use of other marketing tools. The researchers also recommend Emphasizing training (managerial skills), especially in financial management to support their clients to improve their business performance regularly and most cases should be tailored toward the training needs of the clients
  • ItemUnknown
    Sustainability of Paddy Rice Farming in the Conservation of Birds in Uganda Amidst a Growing Expansion of the Rice farming Industry.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Sarah, Nachuha; Twagiramaria, Fortunate
    Rice has become a cash crop in Uganda, making the rice agro-ecosystems a common feature in ecological landscapes. In this research, waterbird species diversity at three paddy rice growing schemes namely: Doho, Kibimba and Lukaya is collected and compared. A rapid cross-sectional survey was conducted at these 3 sites over a period of 3 months in which both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. This study was guided by the anthropogenic impacts hypothesis which proposes that humans have modified the ‘natural’ biodiversity patterns such that diversity is generally depressed in areas with long history of human occupation or intensive activities. Results of One-way ANOVA show significant variations in species diversity (P = 0.022) and abundance (P=0.04) across the sites. There was generally a low diversity at the sites. However, Doho rice scheme had the highest waterbird diversity (1.05±0.99), followed by Kibimba (0.09±0.05) while Lukaya had the least (0.07±0.02), and the reverse was true for waterbird abundance. Birds of international significance such as the Grey crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum) were more abundant at Lukaya Rice scheme than the other two. Kibimba and Doho rice rich schemes have been under rice cultivation for almost 5 decades while Lukaya rice fields are hardly a decade old. The findings are contrary to the hypothesis; most probably because rice fields are artificial habitats that are attractive to water birds only when there are farming activities going on. Out of the 150 farmers we interacted with, 120 (80%) mentioned that the Grey crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum) numbers had declined, mainly because of conversion of the natural wetland into rice paddies, moreover the birds on the paddies are also threatened by extensive use of pesticides and herbicides, including hunting by the local community members. There is need to introduce alternative income-generating activities and continuous sensitization of stakeholders on wise use of rice farms.
  • ItemUnknown
    Research projects: 2017-2021
    (Kabale University, 2018) Kabale University
    Domestically and Externally funded research projects
  • ItemUnknown
    Research and Innovations Strategic Plan 2020/21 - 2024/25
    (Kabale University, 2025) Kabale University
    Research and Innovations Strategic Plan 2020/21 - 2024/25. facilitate RISP partnerships and collaborations with other universities and research organizations in Uganda and abroad to increase the visibility of RISP activities at KAB. Over the next five years, Research and Publications at Kabale University will focus on implementing the University’s research agenda. Through the research agenda, Kabale University will aim to contribute to local, national as well as international development agendas to demonstrate the relevance of the University to society. The plan has six strategic objectives: ⁃ Strengthen and streamline the governance of research and innovations at KAB; ⁃ Build and retain a highly effective research workforce and culture; ⁃ Identify and mobilize funds for research and innovation activities; ⁃ Increase the quantity and impact of research and innovation; ⁃ Build resilient, sustainable, and productive research collaborations; ⁃ Create an enabling environment for research and innovations.
  • ItemUnknown
    Research Agenda 2020 - 2025
    (Kabale University, 2025) Kabale University
    Research is a critical activity in policy development and implementation. It provides the evidence needed for decision-making. Research in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is a channel of knowledge creation and dissemination that makes HEIs relevant to society by influencing development policy; creating knowledge needed for teaching and learning; contributing to national, regional, and international development through the sharing of research information and expertise; and improving the ranking of HEIs. In these regards, research should constitute a proportionately large percentage of activities and resources at universities. There is sufficient evidence indicating that universities with a clear research roadmap, increased investments in research, and increased research outputs have a higher potential for growth.5 The KABRA shall provide a roadmap for research activities and show the footprint of Kabale University in the knowledge society.
  • ItemUnknown
    Budget and Accountability Guidelines for Internal Research Grants
    (Kabale University, 2021) Kabale University
    This guideline describes items that shall be funded by Kabale University’s internal research grants. This is to ensure that applicants do not include activities that are ordinarily considered as part of their intellectual contribution to the research process in budgets.
  • ItemUnknown
    Kabale University Research Journal Authors Guidelines
    (Kabale University, 2022) Kabale University
    Kabale University Research Journal (KURJ) is a multidisciplinary journal accepting high quality original research articles, letters and commentaries on a wide range of disciplines. The journal has a committed editorial board, and competent and renowned reviewers from various disciplines. The journal accepts manuscripts only in English language and is published quarterly: March, June, September and December and uses a double blind peer review process in assessing manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication. Regardless of submission dates, the Journal ensures a quick and quality review of manuscripts. Manuscripts submitted for consideration of publication must have been checked for plagiarism, edited by language and subject experts, and must not have been published or submitted for consideration of publication to another journal.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Directorate of Research and Publication Proposal Outline
    (Kabale University, 2021) Kabale University
    A research proposal submitted for consideration of funding shall follow the outline below. However, proposals from disciplines that do not use the format below, are allowed to use alternative applicable formats