Motivation And Employees’ Performance in Local Governments: A Case Study of Kabale Municipal Council, Kabale District
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This research was about Motivation and employee performance in local governments, a case study
of Kabale Municipal Council. The study was conducted after realizing that employees in the local
government and particularly at KMC lacked motivation that would end up with poor performance
of their assigned duties. The study was guided by three specific objectives that included: to analyse
the contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on employee performance in Kabale Municipal
Council; to analyse other factors other than motivation affecting employee performance in Kabale
Municipal Council; and, to establish the relationship between motivation and employee performance
in Kabale Municipal Council. The study used a descriptive research design which specifically
focused on correlation analysis of the study data. Using a questionnaire and an interview guide, data
was collected from 152 respondents that included general administration, finance and internal audit,
community based services, production, health and education departments at KMC. The collected
data was analysed with aid of SPPS computer package for quantitative data whereas table content
analysis aided in analyzing qualitative data. Findings from the first study objective about the
contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on employee performance at KMC found out that
the majority of the responses were on agree side with the average man of M=3.64 and SD=1.041.
The second study objective about the other factors other than motivation affecting employee
performance at KMC indicated an average mean of M=3.81 and SD= 1.110, implying that there
were other factors other than motivation. The third study objective about the relationship between
motivation and employee performance found out that there was a relationship between the variables
as evidenced by the average mean of M=3.63and SD=1.123. Thus a statistically positive relationship
was observed after correlating motivation with employee performance as evidenced by correlation
significance level of 0.01(2- tailed) less at p-value of 0.000. The study recommends that the
government offers support in form of capacity building and staff promotions as a way of realizing
quality and good performance in the local governments and the administration of Kabale Municipal
Council. Local Government is recommended to support employee motivation in both intrinsic and
extrinsic ways so that the institutions are able to meet their targeted goals in time. This is possible
when the administration schedules motivation programmes such as awards as a way of recognition,
salary increment, promotions, among others.
Motivation, Employees’ Performance, Local Governments