Effect of Family Socio-Economic status on Student’s Academic Performance in Kanungu Town Council- Kanungu District.
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Kabale University
The study investigated the effect of family socio-economic status on student’s academic performance in Kanungu Town Council- Kanungu District. It was set to; establish the effect of family size on student’s academic performance, determine the effect of parental income on student’s academic performance and establish parental level of education on student’s academic performance. The study used a cross sectional survey design with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides. A sample size of 533 respondents was considered. These included 304 students, 227 parents and 2 head teachers. Data was entered coded and analyzed using Microsoft excel. The findings revealed that family size makes children fail to access adequate scholastic materials at school. The findings revealed that parental income determines student performance. Several respondents agreed that student from rich families get good education background as compared with students from poor families. The findings indicated that parental level of education influences student academic performance in that highly educated parents guide their student on the importance of being educated. In conclusion, parents are encouraged to produce children whom they can manage to cater for in terms of education and they should get involved in income generating projects so as to improve on their household income in order to meet the related educational costs of their children.
Effect of Family Socio-Economic Status, Student’s Academic Performance