Master of Public Health (MPH)
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Kabale University
The MPH programme is structured and delivered to meet the public health needs of Uganda and the other countries in the African Great Lakes Region; and to fulfil the quality standards of the Uganda National Council of Higher Education (UNCHE). The programme is aligned to the core competences for public health professionals as suggested by the United States of America (USA) Council on Linkages between Academia and Public Health Practice; and to international public health training standards such as those suggested by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) in the USA.
The programme has an academic component largely based at the University; and a field component based in district training sites. During the academic part of the programme, students are introduced to foundational and specialized public health courses. During the field component of the programme, a range of public health competencies are practised through on-job training within the context of a district health team.
Public Health, Programme, Description