Thematic Curriculum and Pupils’ Academic Performance: A case study of Kitumba Sub-County, Kabale District.

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Kabale University


This study was about thematic curriculum and pupils’ academic performance in Kitumba Sub County, Kabale district. The study was guided by one main objective which was to examine how the thematic curriculum impacted on pupil’s academic performance in selected government schools in Kitumba sub-county of Kabale district with four specific objectives that included; examining the relationship between the quality of content and pupils’ academic performance, establishing the relationship between quality of teaching methods used in the thematic curriculum and pupils’ academic performance, finding out the relationship between the quality of instructors in the thematic curriculum and pupils’ academic performance and identifying the challenges in implementing thematic curriculum and its effect on pupils academic performance. In this study, a cross sectional survey design that was descriptive in nature was employed. Using interview guide, questionnaire, and observation methods, data was collected from 87 respondents including teachers, head teachers, School stake holders(c/person SMC) and district inspector of schools. The collected data was then cross checked for completeness and error omission. It was then entered into SPSS computer package for analysis. After analysis where by tables with frequencies, percentages, co efficiency and p- values were imported into Microsoft word for presentation, interpretation. Findings for the first objective revealed that an increase in academic performance during thematic curriculum implementation is greatly influenced by an increase in the quality of the content extended to pupils in primary schools (R=0.935, P-Value 0.01). The second objective indicated that there was a positive relationship between the quality of teaching methods used in thematic curriculum and academic performance (R=.887, P-value=0.17). The third objective revealed that the quality of instructors using thematic curriculum was influential to pupils’ academic performance (R= 0.621, P-Value=0.005) and finally the fourth objective found out that inadequate teaching resources, lack of proper training for implementers were the major challenges in implementing thematic curriculum. The study therefore concluded that academic Performance of pupils in Kitumba Sub County is explained for/determined by its thematic curriculum. Finally, the study made recommendations to bodies including government, School administrators and thematic curriculum implementers in Kitumba Sub County to organize workshops and refresher courses aimed at extending skills to teachers on how best they can run thematic curriculum in schools.



Thematic Curriculum, Pupils’ Academic Performance
