Kabale University Digital Repository (KAB-DR)

KAB-DR preserves research output from the Kabale University community


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  • The collections in this Community are comprised of Indigenous Knowledge emanating from communities in the neighborhoods of Kabale University. These are communities in the great Kigezi Region.
  • This community holds students (Graduates) dissertation and Thesis, Staff field reports, Students (undergraduate) study reports
  • The community includes research article publications in journals both local and international, conference papers in proceedings and reports, abstracts and reviews by Kabale University Staff and Students
  • This community archives publications by individual University Staff and Students, Faculty and Departmental Publications (i.e. University Journal, Newsletters, University official publications etc.), groups and Association operating in the University (i.e. Convocation and Staff and Students Association}

Recent Submissions

Employee Retention and Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Centenary Bank in Kigezi Region Uganda.
(Kabale University, 2024) Kaziro, Nicholas
This study focused on examining the relationship between employee retention and organizational performance in Centenary Bank – Kigezi Region (Kisoro, Kanungu, and Kabale Branches). The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to find out the effect of work-life balance on organizational performance, to determine the effect of working environment on organizational performance, and to establish the relationship between career growth opportunities and organizational performance. The study focused on the period 2018-2022. The study targeted 97 respondents who constituted branch managers, departmental heads, committee members, audit officers, compliance officers, and support staff. Using a quantitative cross-sectional survey, the study realized a response rate of 100% (97 respondents) for both quantitative and qualitative studies. All categories of respondents were administered a questionnaire and in addition to the questionnaire, 3 branch managers were further interviewed. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) with a focus on descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and regression analyses version 24. The correlation coefficient results revealed a significant positive relationship between work-life balance and organizational performance; work environment and organizational performance, and career growth opportunities and organizational performance. In the multiple regression analysis, the study established the predicted power of the work environment on organizational performance. Also, career growth opportunities significantly and positively predicted organizational performance. However, work-life balance turned out to be an insignificant predictor of organizational performance. The overall model comprising of work-life balance, work environment, and career growth opportunities was significant in predicting organizational performance and the overall model explained 76.3% variation in organizational performance of Centenary Bank – Kigezi region (R Square = .763), meaning that 76.3% change in the organizational performance of Centenary Bank – Kigezi region is explained by the three exogenous latent variables. The study recommends Centenary Bank proactively develop and implement comprehensive work-life balance initiatives to enhance their overall performance. The bank should prioritize the development of a strong psychological work climate characterized by inclusion, autonomy, and effective communication. This involves implementing targeted training programs aimed at enhancing leadership skills and improving internal communication channels.
Profitability Analysis of Potato Gardening at FAES Kabale University.
(Kabale University, 2024) Amanya, Marvin
This study presented a comprehensive analysis of the profitability of Irish potato gardening in Kabale district. The study aims to provide an economic evaluation of potato farming by assessing the costs, revenues, and profitability indicators associated with this agricultural practice. Key factors analyzed include initial and recurring costs such as land preparation, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, labor, and irrigation. The revenue analysis considers the average yield per plot. By calculating gross and net profit the study identifies the economic viability of potato farming. The report concludes with recommendations for optimizing production efficiency and enhancing market access to ensure sustained profitability for local farmers. This analysis serves as a valuable resource for farmers’ agricultural stakeholders and policymakers aiming to promote and support Irish potato cultivation in Kabale district.
Response of Yield and Quality Attributes to Plant Spacing In potato Growing.
(Kabale University, 2024) Ekyatuheire, Maryusita
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a staple food crop worldwide, contributing significantly to food security and economic stability in many regions. One factor that significantly influences potato productivity and quality is plant spacing which is the distance between individual plants within a crop plantation. Optimizing plant spacing can potentially enhance photosynthetic efficiency, improve nutrient uptake, and reduce competition among plants, thereby impacting yield and quality attributes. The study aimed at evaluating the effect of spacing on potato yields and quality attributes. The study used a randomized complete block design with replications and data was collected on plant height, leaf area index, yields, and quality. It was found that spacing has a significant effect on plant height and leaf area index but an insignificant effect on yields and quality which implied that there are other factors that affect quality and yield beyond spacing. Therefore, it was recommended that farmers practice spacing since plant height was associated with high yields but there was a need for participatory sharing of experiences by experts, traditional farmers, and extension workers to make informed decisions on the optimal spacing.
Exploration of the Teacher’s Competence in the New Competency Based Curriculum in the Selected Schools in Rukiga District.
(Kabale University, 2024) Akatwijuka, Martha
The study assessed the exploration of teachers' competence in the new competence-based curriculum in Rukiga District. The objectives of the study were to find out if Teachers have the necessary competencies to teach based curriculum and to find out possible remedies of competence curriculum in Rukiga District. A descriptive research design was used and data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. The study results on the impact of self-esteem among students in the study of teachers' competence in the new competency-based curriculum. The highest number of respondents mentioned that the new competence-based curriculum helps teachers to improve their teaching and assessment. The study results on challenges faced by Teachers in Teaching new curriculum. The highest number of respondents mentioned the provision of a conducive environment that builds the relationship between teachers and learners for better results of the new curriculum. The least number of respondents mentioned that students need to be active in the learning of the new curriculum. The study recommended researchers use the available information about the teachers and find out how they find it hard to show commitment to the new competence based curriculum.
Influence of Training on Employees' Performance: A Case Study of Rukiga SACCO.
(Kabale University, 2024) Manige, Alexander
The study assessed the influence of training on employees' performance. A case of Rukiga SACCO. The study objectives included; establishing the influence of induction on employee performance in Rukiga SACCO, examining the influence of on-the-job training on employee performance in Rukiga SACCO, and determining the influence of off-the-job training and employee performance in Rukiga SACCO. A cross-sectional research design was used across a sample of 50 respondents. Data collection tools were questionnaires. Results of the study revealed that male respondents dominated the study with 60% than their female counterparts with 40%. Results further show that the high percentages regarding access to on-the-job training and mentoring indicate that Rukiga SACCO emphasizes continuous learning and professional development and this was represented by 70% of the respondents. This can contribute positively to employee skills and performance. The majority of employees being involved in different assignments suggests a proactive approach to skill diversification and job enrichment. This can lead to a more versatile and adaptable workforce. While a significant number receive instructions on the job, the percentages for strongly agreeing are lower compared to other categories. Improving communication and clarity in task instructions could enhance employee understanding and performance. The study concluded that the findings on the influence of off-the-job training on employee performance at Rukiga SACCO are consistent with existing literature, which underscores the importance of providing diverse learning opportunities that enhance skills and knowledge beyond the workplace. The positive outcomes reported by employees at Rukiga SACCO reflect the broader benefits identified in the research, while the suggestions for improvement emphasize the need for continuous evaluation and customization of training programs to maximize their impact. The study recommended that there is a need for more tailored and job-specific training content, as well as ongoing evaluation and adjustment of training methods to ensure continuous improvement and alignment with evolving organizational goals and develop training programs that are specifically tailored to the roles and responsibilities of different employee groups within Rukiga SACCO. This customization should include job-specific skills training and professional development opportunities aligned with career paths.