Apio, Brenda2024-07-152024-07-152024Apio, Brenda (2024). Debt Management and Financial Performance of SACCOs in Karamoja Region: A Case of Kamukoi, Thurr and Lotuke SACCOs. Kabale: Kabale University.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12493/2249This study examined the effect of debt management on the financial performance of SACCOs in the western belt of the Karamoja sub-region. SACCO's financial performance in the region has been alarming. Every year the financial trend is getting down. This study’s objectives were to establish factors that affect debt management and to examine the benefits of debt management and the relationship between debt management and financial performance in selected SACCOs in Karamoja Region a case of Kamukoi, Thurr, and Lotuke Saccos. The study followed a cross-sectional survey design. Data from 92 respondents was collected and analyzed quantitatively complemented with qualitative analysis. Since descriptive analysis entailed a description of a single variable and its attributes, frequency tables were used to present the data. At the bivariate level, a Pearson correlation matrix was conducted to ascertain the relationships between the predictor variables and the dependent variable. A linear regression model was used to fit the data. Research findings from the regression model show that there are factors that influence debt management (R=862), benefits of debt management (R=756 and there is a relationship between debt management and financial performance (R=829) have a positive significance relationship in Karamoja region a case of Kamukoi, Thurr and Lotuke SACCOs. The main conclusion drawn from this research is that there are factors affecting debt management and debt benefits and there is a relationship between the dependent variable and independent variable. The study therefore recommends that To improve financial performance in SACCOs in the Karamoja region, place more focus on the use of debt management. If it is completely employed as intended, the Karamoja region offers high-quality services to its people very well. The study suggests that SACCOs in the Karamoja region’s financial performance is significantly impacted by the benefits of debt management. This implies that if people are sensitized about the benefits of paying debts to the SACCOs, financial performance will increase. This recommends that there is a relationship between debt management on financial performance in selected SACCOs in the Karamoja region. SACCO managers and the Board of Directors should take charge of sensitizing stakeholders that they should manage debts if they are to benefit from the profits from SACCO.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Stateshttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/Debt ManagementFinancial PerformanceSACCOsKaramoja RegionKamukoiThurrLotukeDebt Management and Financial Performance of SACCOs in Karamoja Region: A Case of Kamukoi, Thurr and Lotuke SACCOs.Thesis