Natukunda, Jowel2024-07-122024-07-122024Natukunda, Jowel (2024). Effects of Teenage Motherhood and The Social Welfare of Victims in Kisoro District. Kabale: Kabale University. study was about the effects of teenage motherhood and the social welfare of victims in Kisoro District in Uganda. The study was guided by objectives like; to establish the impact of teenage motherhood on the social welfare of victims in Uganda, to find out the challenges facing teenage mothers in Uganda, to investigate the solutions to the challenge facing young mothers in Uganda. The research used both qualitative and quantitative responses. The researcher used a descriptive survey design. A sample of 68 respondents was used, and data was collected using a questionnaire directed to respondents in the area. Data was analyzed using frequencies where percentages were derived for easy interpretation. Findings showed that married girls also tend to be more isolated, exacerbating their vulnerability and their capacity or willingness to report violence at the hands of their male partners and other family members. From the questionnaires, respondents gave their opinions that child marriage and teenage pregnancy often lead to school dropouts and poor or delayed educational achievements. Some respondents revealed that girls lose their childhood and are forced to drop their education to adapt to the life of caring for their children. In Kisoro, 78% of teen mothers are out of school with a zero probability of returning. Having no access to education means chances of having a successful life are limited. Some respondents revealed that strengthening operational and impact research to better understand a) social and health determinants of teenage pregnancy in low- and middle-income countries (L&MICs); and which approach and intervention is effective to prevent and manage teenage pregnancy. The study concludes that pregnant teenagers face other challenges which range from social stigma and obstetric problems which could result in deaths. The government also has a negative role; it has not taken responsibility for intensifying the sensitization of people about using contraceptives. The vicious cycle of early pregnancy is more likely to continue because usually, children born under such circumstances could end up adopting such behaviors. The time is now to stop teenage pregnancy. The study recommends that the economic and living conditions of households should be improved through policies that will revamp the agricultural sector of the municipality where a chunk of the labor force is employed since poverty is one of the major causes of teenage pregnancy in the district. Sensitization should also be done by the district education office in conjunction with other local actors in schools and communities to disabuse the minds of people to refrain from stigmatizing teenage mothers who re-enter school.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States MotherhoodSocial WelfareVictimsKisoro DistrictEffects of Teenage Motherhood and The Social Welfare of Victims in Kisoro District.Thesis