Suleiman Hamad, Halima2020-04-122020-04-122018 study assessed the school feeding program and student’s performance using a case study of selected primary schools in northern “A” district Zanzibar” .The study was guided by three objectives which were: to identify the impact of school feeding programme on students’ academic performance, to determine the factors affecting students’ performance, to identify the relationship between school feeding and performance of students in primary schools. A total sample of two hundred ninety one (291) respondents was considered for the study. This included DEO, head teachers, teachers, parents and students. The research used both simple random and purpose sampling techniques in identifying the sample population. the methods that were used in data collection included questionnaire, observation and interview, data collected was edited, coded, entered into computer and analyzed with excel, a Microsoft statistical package, the results were presented in tables, basing on results from the study, from objective one above, it was found out that school feeding program increase enrolment and attendance. from the research question two it was found out as indicated by the respondents from selected primary schools in north “A” Zanzibar that, too few text books and insufficient instructional which forced many children , especially girls to drop out early in schools. The study discovered the relationship between school feeding and academic performance where children served with rice and beans performed better in their academic performance as compared with children served with Ugali at lunch time. Basing on the findings, the researcher concluded that the school feeding programmes have led to an increased in the level of enrolment in early childhood education. majority of the respondents reported that the frequency of school feeding programme have helped in increasing enrollment in early childhood education and retaining the children in the school since its commencement, reduced abscentism, improved performance as a result of daily attendance of school by children and the health of the children has also improved as compared to when there was no feeding programme.en-USSchool Feeding ProgramStudents PerformanceSchool feeding program and students Performance: A case Study of Selected Primary Schools in North “A” District, Zanzibar.Thesis