Turyasingura, John BoscoMoses, AgabaMeza, OrachZombeire, Regis2022-10-102022-10-102021Turyasingura JB, Agaba M, Orach-Meza FL & Regis Zombeire R. Project Design Implementation and Sustainability of Donor Funded Potato Projects in Kabale District South Western Uganda. Special Journal of Politics and Economic Sustainability 2021, 2 (1): 1-132710-186Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12493/691Background: This study was set to establish the effect of project design and its implementation, on the sustainability of donor-funded potato projects in Kabale District- South Western Uganda. The elements of project design and implementation included project feasibility, stakeholder training, decision making, and reporting. Objective: To determine the effect of the feasibility study, project stakeholder training, and decision-making on the sustainability of donor-funded potato projects in Kabale District. Methods: A descriptive survey design was adopted with potato farmers used as the unit of analysis. Data was collected in the means of administering a questionnaire survey from a sample of 196 potato farmers. Structural equation modeling was used to test hypotheses. Results:Project design and implementation were significantly associated with the sustainability of donor-funded potato projects in Kabale District (r = .424, P≤.01). Conclusion and recommendations: Participatoryproject stakeholder mapping, involving the setting up of problem and objective tree analysis, as well as project logical framework allows beneficiaries the beneficiaries to own the potato projects and hence the sustainability of donor-funded potato projects in Kabale District. Participation of Potato project beneficiaries in project design, implementation, and feasibility studies are recommended.en-USProject Design and Implementation, Potato Farmers, Sustainability of Donor Funded Potato Projects, Kabale DistrictProject Design Implementation and Sustainability of Donor Funded Potato Projects in Kabale District South Western UgandaArticle