Richard, Makombe2019-11-112019-11-112014Makombe, R. (2014). Impacts of Tele-Centers towards the Development of Communities in Kayonza Telecentres in Rwanda. Diploma Report, Kabale University, Uganda, Kabale. Research Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Award of Diploma in Library and Information Science of Kabale UniversityThe study aims to examine impacts of Tele-centers towards the development of communities: a case study of Kayonza Tele-centers in Rwanda. Chapter one contains background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives the study, research questions, scope of the study, significance of the study and definition of operational terms. Chapter two revised the literature that was carried out by different scholars and academicians in relation to the study. The study was guided by three objectives namely; to find the impact of Tele-centers towards the development of communities in Rwanda, to establish the challenges faced by Tele-centers towards the development of communities in Rwanda and to suggest possible ways of improving Tele-centers towards the development of communities in Rwanda. The researcher used three data collection instruments to acquire information from respondents namely; questionnaires, interview guides and observation. The collected data was edited, recorded, entered into computer and analyzed with excel, a Microsoft statistical package. The results were presented using tables. A total sample fifty (50) respondents were considered for the study of which five (5) were administrators and forty five (45) clients of Kayonza Tele-centers in Rwanda, the researcher used both simple random and purposive sampling in identifying the study sample.en-USTele-CentersCommunitiesImpacts of Tele-Centers towards the Development of Communities: A Case Study of Kayonza Telecentres in RwandaThesis