Atukunda, Benson2025-01-102025-01-102024Atukunda, Benson (2024). Tour Guiding Skills and Tourists Satisfaction Around Lake Bunyonyi in Kabale District. Kabale: Kabale University. research aimed to assess the effect of Tour guiding skills on tourists’ satisfaction around Lake Bunyonyi in Kabale district. The study was guided: to evaluate the satisfaction level of tourists visiting Lake Bunyonyi in Kabale District, to assess the effectiveness of tour guiding skills and practices in the Lake Bunyonyi area, to examine the relationship between tour guiding skills and tourist satisfaction at Lake Bunyonyi, and to identify opportunities for enhancing tour guiding practices and tourist satisfaction in the Lake Bunyonyi region.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States Guiding SkillsTourist SatisfactionLake BunyonyiKabale DistrictTour Guiding Skills and Tourists Satisfaction Around Lake Bunyonyi in Kabale District.Thesis