Mackline, Atuhaire2020-04-122020-04-122016 study was about Information Communication Technology and Employees' Performance. It was carried out in Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda, taking Faculty of Science as a case study. The study was aimed at establishing whether ICT needs of employees were met, establishing the effect of ICT on employees performance and evaluating the extent to which organizational issues (limited financial resources, lack of independent budget and absence of full time technicians)constrain ICT use. The research design was a case study and employed a descriptive approach. The study population comprised of Secretaries, Teaching Staff, Non-teaching Staff, Faculty Dean, Coordinator of Science Laboratory and Departmental Heads. Purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents while questionnaire, key informants interview, observation and Focus Group Discussion were used to collect data. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics and presentation of data involved use of tables that were generated from the questions relevant to the study variables. The findings showed that the Faculty of Science had to a greater extent tried to meet the ICT needs of employees. This had been reflected in the provision of essential ICT gadgets (Computers, modems, in all departmental offices in the Faculty of Science to all employees in different offices to ease their work. The effect of ICT on employees’ performance in Faculty of Science had increased output per employee, improved efficiency and effectiveness of work. Organizational factors to a large extent hade constrained employees’ ability to effectively use ICT for their improved performance through limited financial resources, lack of an independent budget and absence of full time technicians which have tended to hamper ICT use among employees in Faculty of Science. There was a positive and significant influence of ICT on employees’ performance in Faculty of Science in Mbarara University of Science and Technology. The Faculty of Science should try to mobilize and lobby for adequate funding from the top University management that will enable it to facilitate ICT development and use to equip employees with required skills. There is need for the Faculty of Science to set aside an independent budget or fund that can always aid in facilitating repair and maintenance of ICT equipment to maintain them in a better condition. There is need for the Faculty of Science and MUST in general to employ full time ICT professionals that are well conversant with ICT such that they can always carry out regular repairs and maintenance whenever it necessitates. There is need for resource mobilization plan at Faculty level specifically for ICT to effectively finance all ICT needs for employees.en-USInformation Communication TechnologyEmployees’ Performance:Information Communication Technology and Employees’ Performance: A case Study of Faculty of Science at Mbarara University of Science and Technology.Thesis