Mugume, Herbert2023-06-232023-06-232023Mugume, Herbert (2023). Digital Technologies and Financial Performance in Local Government in Uganda: A Case Study of Kabale District. Kabale: kabale University. study examined the effect of digital technologies on financial performance at Kabale District Local Government. The predictor variables under study were integrated financial management systems, programme-based budgeting system and integrated personnel and payroll system, while financial performance was the outcome variable. The study followed a cross-sectional survey design. Data from 139 respondents was collected and analysed quantitatively, complemented with qualitative analysis. Since descriptive analysis entailed description of a single variable and its attributes, frequency tables were used to present the data. At the bivariate level, a Pearson correlation matrix was conducted to ascertain the relationships between the predictor variables and the dependent variable. A linear regression model was used to fit the data. Research findings from the regression model show that integrated financial management systems (R=862), programme-based budgeting system and integrated personnel (R=756 and integrated personnel and payroll system (R=829) have a positive significance on the financial performance at Kabale District local government. The main conclusion drawn from this research is that integrated financial management systems, programme-based budgeting system and integrated personnel and integrated personnel and payroll system have a significant effect on service delivery. The study therefore recommends that there is need to put more efforts on integrated financial management systems, programme-based budgeting system and integrated personnel and integrated personnel and payroll system for fortitudes of making financial performance as a custom at Kabale District Local Government.en-USDigital Technologies and Financial Performance in Local Government in Uganda: A Case Study of Kabale District.Thesis