Rugasira, JackMoses, AgabaByarugaba Mbiito, JothamMakumbi, RitaKyotuheire, JillAsiime, Jane2022-10-102022-10-1020222643-976X purpose of this study was to empirically establish the relationship between green Transportation and environmental sustainability in the Kampala district. The hypothesis of the study stated that there is a significant relationship between green transportation and environmental sustainability in selected manufacturing entities in the Kampala district. The study employed a cross-sectional design. The study also used quantitative approaches in collecting and analysing the data both descriptively and inferentially. The study population was 675 manufacturing entities. Using the purposive sampling technique, the study took a sample of 248. Data were obtained from 186 usable questionnaires. The researcher applied Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) to test all four hypotheses. The results are presented in terms of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics in terms of correlation analysis, simple regression and multiple regression analysis models. The findings show that there was a very low but positive correlation (r= 0.297, sig .000, p< .01) between Green Transportation and Environmental Sustainability. This implies that any improvements made in green transportation can be associated positively with environmental sustainability in Kampala. Green Transportation reflects a small F-statistic of 17.841 indicating the statistical significance of each of the regression coefficients. Green Transportation reflects a small F-statistic of 17.841 indicating the statistical significance of each of the regression coefficients. The findings further confirm that Green Transportation has little effect on Environmental Sustainability. It is therefore recommended that the education department of the National Environment Management Authority approaches the non-compliant firms and educates them on the best ways of cost effectively adopting green transportation to offset their fears about costs involved in adopting Green Transportation; many of which are groundless.en-USGreen Transportation Environmental Sustainability, Manufacturing Entities, Kampala districGreen Transportation and Environmental Sustainability in Selected Manufacturing Entities in Kampala District, UgandaArticle