Kawesa, Eden2023-07-112023-07-112020Kawesa, Eden (2020). Design of a Computerized Fence at Nyabikoni Campus Kabale University. Kabale: Kabale University.http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12493/1311This report is about a design of a perimeter fence for Kabale University Nyabikoni Campus. This report contains four chapters, Chapter 1 is the introduction of the proposal that states the contents of the background of the project, how the problem was identified and why the project viable, Chapter 2 contains the literature review, works and related information by other scholars about design mainly architectural working drawings, Chapter 3 outlines the methodology of how the project was done; these are sequential methods for the process, Chapter 4 discusses the results and project discussions that involve details of the budget, work plan, appendices and reference.Design of a Computerized Fence at Nyabikoni Campus Kabale University.Thesis