Ainembabazi, Danet2024-07-042024-07-042024Ainembabazi, Danet (2024). Effect of Procurement Practices on Performance of Local Governments in Uganda: A Case Study of Kabale Municipal Council. Kabale: Kabale University. to Sollish and Semanik (2012), procurement involves activities managed by a company to ensure proper supply chain management. Local governments should adapt their procurement practices to enhance transparency and accountability. Data was collected, analyzed, and recommendations were made based on the results. The main purpose of the study was to examine the effects of procurement practices on the performance of local governments. This research aimed to achieve efficiency and effectiveness within the procurement department to improve overall organizational performance. The objectives were to examine the roles of procurement practices on the performance of Kabale Municipal Council, determine the factors influencing these practices, and explore their effects on the Council's performance. The study used questionnaires for data collection, targeting Kabale Municipal Council as the study population. A descriptive design was adopted, accurately depicting the participants. A survey was conducted, collecting primary data through 190 satisfactorily filled questionnaires out of a total of 260, resulting in a 73 percent response rate. The data collected was presented using tables, charts, and graphs. The study revealed that stakeholder interests are the leading factor influencing procurement practices in Kabale Municipal Council, with economic conditions being the least influential. The study recommends that procurement practices be communicated through the Kabale Municipal Council website to ensure competitiveness, transparency, and accountability.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States PracticesPerformanceLocal GovernmentsUgandaKabale Municipal CouncilEffect of Procurement Practices on Performance of Local Governments in Uganda: A Case Study of Kabale Municipal Council.Thesis