Kabale University2022-12-032022-12-032021http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12493/810The Master of Arts in Kiswahili aims at providing high proficiency in the study of current linguistic and literary theories. By operating solely in Kiswahili it seeks to provide the students with language skills that are useful in areas of linguistics and literature. The graduates are expected to achieve very high proficiency in the use of Kiswahili. They are also expected to be well grounded in theoretical knowhow on various aspects of Kiswahili Language and literature which is deemed necessary for M.A students to enable them perform their respective duties and responsibilities upon graduation.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesMasterArtsArts in KiswahiliKiswahiriMaster of Arts in KiswahiliOther