Namanda, Mary Patience2023-12-042023-12-042022Namanda, Mary Patience (2022). The Saving Culture and Performance of Small Medium Enterprises in Mbarara City Counci: A Case Study of Selected Businesses in Mbarara Central Market. Kabale: Kable University. study established the effect of saving culture on the performance of small and medium enterprises in the Mbarara central market, Mbarara. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the effect of savings in the form of cash on the performance of smallscale enterprises, to establish the effect of savings in the form of inventory on the performance of small scale enterprise, and to establish the effect of debtors' management on the performance of small scale enterprise. The study used a cross-sectional survey design using Mbarara Central Market as a case study. The study used a sample size of 92 respondents according to Krejcie, R.V, & Morgan, D.W. 2009 table of sample size. The researcher therefore amalgamated the use of questionnaires, interviews, and documentary analysis in the process of collecting primary data. Quantitative data involved the use frequencies, tables against their percentages i.e.; pie charts and these showed values that aided in data interpretation. Qualitative data was presented in writing useful information from the respondents as presented in relation to the study The researcher found out that income from an investment that does not qualify as a franked investment is saved to be invested in the future thus increasing the saving culture; income derived from paid employment and comprising mainly wages and salaries comprised a large percentage of the respondents' savings. The study gave a conclusion is that when a financial institution has financial reporting obligations may increase the saving culture among the people. The motive of savings among most small businesses is quite wrong and it may not contribute to growing their businesses. The study recommends that there should be a re-orientation to these business owners which must be done even before any government intervention else those proceeds from the intervention may still be wrongly used. The Government should do more to enlighten the citizens on the real motive of savingsen-USThe Saving Culture and Performance of Small Medium Enterprises in Mbarara City Counci: A Case Study of Selected Businesses in Mbarara Central Market.Thesis