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  • ItemOpen Access
    Association of Family Well-Being Parenting Style and Child Care in Southern Division Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Niyomigisha, Saviour
    The study explored the association between family well-being parenting style and child care in Southern Division Kabale District, Uganda. The research questions addressed were: to examine the relationship between family wellbeing and child care, to establish the relationship between family wellbeing and parenting, and to determine the association between family wellbeing, parenting, and child care in the Kabale district. From the 231 questionnaires distributed in the parishes a total of 165 were collected and used in the analysis. Data was collected through questionnaires and interviews. The research used a cross-sectional study design. Research findings showed that family well-being includes the safety, health, and financial stability of all family members, promoting well-being involves understanding and addressing child, youth, and caregiver functioning in physical, behavioral, social, and cognitive areas, clearly the most important characteristic is the health status of the parents, which declines with age, that marital status, employment, and the presence of young children in the household are three factors that often are thought to be associated with a decreased ability or willingness of daughters to provide care, Parents/caregivers have been forced to figure out ways to meet their families' most basic needs despite job insecurity, income loss, acute concerns about health and safety, emotional distress among both parents/caregivers and their children is higher in families facing more material hardship. The study concludes that as expected, the higher the authoritative style was, the lower the parents' perception of a difficult child and referred problems. On the contrary, parents who reported higher scores in the authoritarian style reported that their children were particularly difficult, and they reported higher difficulties in their children. Both mothers and fathers showed the same pattern. Therefore, being authoritative has an indirect protective effect on a child's behavioral problems, because it is related to less perception of a difficult child. On the contrary, being authoritarian increases the child's problems, also because parents consider more difficult their children. This is true for mothers and fathers, although, mothers were significantly more influenced by the perception of their child as difficult. The study recommends that awareness through seminars should be provided to the communities to equip the population with the knowledge to handle their children. The government through the Ministry of gender should sensitize the masses in case of such issues as poor child care to equip the community with special knowledge of handling the situation. Kabale district should also sensitize the communities about the effects of domestic violence on children
  • ItemOpen Access
    Public Procurement Reforms and Service Delivery in Rubanda District Uganda.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Niwagaba, Ivan
    The purpose of this study is about Public Procurement Reforms and service delivery in Rubanda District, Uganda. This underlay on the following objectives that is to assess the effect of compliance with procurement rules and procedures on service delivery, evaluate the relationship between procurement forms and service delivery and assess the effect of staffing and functionality of procurement committees on service delivery in Rubanda District. A cross-sectional design was used to undertake the study. The choice of design was in line vith the study objective of obtaining data from a significant portion of the population under study, but also to enabled the researcher get a clear understanding of the effect public procurement reforms have had on service delivery in local government units in general and Rubanda District in particular.Targeting the sample! of 100 respondents, the main data collection instrument of the study used the research questions. The research questionnaire was dusignin likert scale form and it tapped data on the study variables and data analysis involved the use of such tools as frequencies, correlations and regressions to address the research study objectives. Results indicated that there are positive relationships between the Procurement reforms clement and service delivery. The correlations show that the Procurement reforms ispositively related to the service deli very of the institution. This was a clear indication that if the Procurement reforms process is managed efficiently and professionally, thenthis causes an inevitable improvement in the Service Delivery of the institution. Theresearch study thereafter suggests a number of workable recommendations for instance the use or training Programmes to improve the use of the controls in managing theresourcesofthe district and the over all productivity of the employees to cooperation with other key bodies such as other local governments. This shall help the district adopt ideas which haveproved tobe very effective for other local governments that are quite successful in the delivery of service.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Role of Donations and Education Services in Kabale Municipality Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Ampaire, Bronia
    The study was about the role of donations and education services in the Kabale municipality Kabale district Uganda. The objectives of the study were to examine the contributions of donations to education services in the Kabale district, to identify the influence of bursaries on education services Kabale district, and to identify the challenges facing donations in the Kabale district. The research used a case study design to address the research question depending on the characteristics of the study. A sample of 108 respondents was used, and data was collected using a questionnaire directed to teachers and head teachers in the area. Data was analyzed using frequencies where percentages were derived for easy interpretation. Findings show that there is a strengthening of school-based education through community involvement to increase contact time and support quality improvement in education. Some respondents also showed that there is provision of teaching and learning materials are among the contributions that donations have made to support students at the basic levels. Some respondents showed that pupils are presented with bursaries, one-off money installments or prizes as part of impetus for enhancing participation and motivation in learning at school Incentives are viewed as more powerful than different mediations since they straightforwardly target children, as opposed to guardians, parental figures or instructors. Managerial inefficiency was identified by most respondents as they were suggesting that they need to be trained in a way that they can provide equitable education services to the citizens. Provision of aid needs in class was more autonomous as mentioned by the respondents. There should be provision of teaching aids to help teachers teach history to students; this will even improve the performance of such students. The study concludes that learning materials should be availed on time to the schools so that the learners can use them effectively and efficiently. The donors should have tried to ensure that the pupils had all the required learning materials. The study recommends that for the success of donor-funded projects, contextualizing them to the societal and humane capital framework in which delivery is essential. There is a need for more evidenced quality information to inform education policies and programs since few impact evaluations have been carried out to assess several types of donor funding on education programs and effects on outcomes are therefore unknown.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Impact of E-Banking on Performance of Financial Institutions in Uganda: A Case Study of DFCU Bank Kabale Branch.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Amutuheire, Grant
    The purpose of the study was to find out the impact of e-banking on the performance of financial institutions in Uganda: A Case of DFCU Bank, Kabale Branch. The study was guided by specific objectives, namely, to find out the forms of E-banking used in DFCU Bank, determine the relationship between E-banking and the performance of DFCU Bank, and examine the impact of E-banking on the performance of DFCU Bank in Kabale District. This study employed a descriptive research and survey design, as well as quantitative and qualitative approaches, Using simple random and purposive sampling techniques, a total of 67 respondents were selected for this study. In addition, questionnaires and interviewing methods of data collection were used. The research findings showed that the forms of e-banking used in the DFCU bank in Kabale district were mobile banking, as represented by 33%, internet banking, as represented by 30%, electronic cards, as represented by 22%, and electronic fund transfers, as represented by 15%. The study discovered a strong significant relationship (r =.761; sig .. 05) between electronic banking and financial institution performance, particularly DFCU Bank in the Kabale district. According to the study findings, 33% of the majority. of respondents indicated that electronic banking had a positive impact on the performance of financial institutions in the Kabale district, particularly DFCU Bank. According to the study, financial institutions that have not yet implemented some e-banking tools should do so in order to improve their performance and serve their customers as expected.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Assessing The Factors Influencing Youth Violence In Local Community: A Case Study of Kashambya Sub-County-Rukiga District.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Asiimirwa, Crissy
    The study aimed to assess the factors influencing youth violence in the local community of Kashambya sub-county Rukiga district The Study followed research objectives to find out factors influencing youth violence in the local community of Kashambya sub-county Rukiiga district, to examine the impacts of youth violence to the local community in the local community of Kashambya sub-county Rukiiga district and to suggest possible strategic solutions to challenges affecting local community due to youth violence in Kashambya sub-county Rukiiga district. The methodology of the study was a descriptive research design using both qualitative and quantitative tools. A sample size of 80 respondents was selected from respondents of Kashambya sub-county Rukiiga district. The findings of the study revealed that poverty levels of 23% were the key driving factors toward youth violence in local communities. The recommendations for the study were based on the results obtained in this study, it is recommended that for youth to contribute to the development process their potential should be unfolded by sensitizing them about development and providing them with the necessary knowledge to help them be included in the development process such as being engaged in Youth livelihood programs and the Ministry of Labor, Gender and Social Development should a dress the problem of youth violence about communities among youth in Uganda. Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn, the study aimed at assessing the factors influencing youth violence in the community. From the findings, it was established that there is a big negative impact of youth violence to the community such as death to community members as well as a reduction in the economic development of the county.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Role of Agriculture in The Economic Development of Rural Areas: A Case Study of Kamuganguzi Sub-County Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Turyatunga, Apollo
    The study focused on the role of agriculture in the economic development of rural areas of the Kamuganguzi sub-county Kabale district. The Study research objectives were to determine the major factors that affect the agricultural in economic development of rural areas of Iamuganguzi Sub-county Kabale district, to analyze the impact of agricultural productivity in the economic development of rural areas of Kamuganguzi Sub-county Kabale district, and to suggest possible strategies to improve on the role of agriculture in the economic development of rural areas Kamuganguzi Sub-county Kabale district. The related literature review was reviewed and two variables were identified in the study where by agriculture was the independent variable and economic development was the dependent variable. . The methodology of the study was cross¬sectional research design and it explored both qualitative and quantitative data. A sample size of 52 respondents was selected from farmers of the Kamuganguzi sub-county. The recommendations of the study included; there should be involvement of extension workers in decision-making and consultation on policies regarding agricultural and rural development and their ability to influence these decisions the study included, the role of rural farmers in the economic development of Uganda in Kamuganguzi sub-county is one of the dynamic economic activities in creating economic changes in Kamuganguzi which has been increasingly important to empower farmers towards agricultural development. Rural farmers in agriculture development are one of the significant schemes through which empowerment of farmers, in tenns of provision of incentives, decision making, utility, and skill up gradation. The study concluded that the role of agriculture in socio-economic development has enriched their income, savings, and empowerment. The involvement of the farmers considerably contributes to the improvement and perfection of the quality of life, social status, and confidence of the members, Farmers lead and play an important role in economic transformation, infrastructure building, and welfare activities. Rural agriculture in development are one of the significant schemes through which empowerment of farmers, in terms of better credit schemes and provision of agricultural inputs. Considering the huge number of poor discriminated and deprived women in agriculture.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Effect of Land Fragmentation on Poverty Levels in Rwamucucu Sub-County Rukiga District.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Nasasira, Severina
    Land fragmentation has been a major concern worldwide and has spread as a result of various institutional, political, historical, and sociological factors such as inheritance laws, collectivization, and consolidation processes. Most societies in developed countries are characterized by a culture of land fragmentation that affects agricultural production. For instance, agricultural land in Europe was highly fragmented into land parcels due to inefficiency in distribution and allocating land use rights to households. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of land fragmentation on poverty levels in the Rwamucucu sub-county Rukiga District.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Impact of Family Conflicts on Socio-Economic Prosperity: A Case Study of Muko Sub-County Rubanda District.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Akankwasa, Winfred
    The study focused on the findings of the impacts of family conflicts on the socio-economic prosperity of the Muko sub-county Rubanda district. The objectives of the study included the following: to find out factors that lead to family conflicts in the Muko sub-county Rubanda district, to investigate the impact of family stability on the socioeconomic prosperity in the Muko sub¬::ounty Rubanda district, and to assess the extent to which the family conflicts impact on social economic prosperity in Muko sub-county Rubanda district. There was a critical review of the issues that have been explored and studied both theoretically and empirically in the existing literature on of family conflicts as an independent variable socio socio-economic prosperity as the dependent variable and the methods of data collection were put into action. The research used 80 respondents as the sample size, and both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis were employed. The researcher used simple random sampling techniques in collecting and analyzing data and was used to provide equal chances to the sample size. Purposive sampling was also used to collect data from respondents who participated in the study. Findings of the study were obtained from the field interpreting the results analyzing basing on the specific objectives of the study and chapter five portrayed the summary of findings, recommendations were conflicts resort to violence and commit atrocious crimes, therefore, we recommend to parts on the conflicts to solve their conflicts peacefully rather than resorting to violence., the results of the study have revealed that some conciliators do not know the law related to inheritance and succession, that is why we recommend them to learn that law and other rules and regulation in force in the country; the findings of the study have proven that some conciliators are biased, so we recommend them to be impartial in order to mediate parts on family based conflicts fairly and the study concluded that it has been revealed by the findings that family based conflicts have a negative impact on economic prosperity of families where dealing with these conflicts bring about spending and consumes time that could be devoted in generating income activities. This slows down family income, and agricultural productivity and reduces agricultural employment especially when land is portioned into small parts. Family-based conflicts have also a negative impact on social development because they reduce the capacity of family members to access health care, education, and shelter. Furthermore, family-based conflicts destroy the culture of mutual help and assistance between family members because when they quarrel over resources their mutual help sinks into insignificance.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Working Environment and Staff Performance In Local Government: A Case Study of Rubanda District Local Government.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Musiimenta, Dan
    The study considered the impact of working environment and staff performance in local government: A case study of Rubanda District Local Government. The study was guided by the work environment factors that influence staff performance in the Rubanda district, the effect of the working environment on employee performance in the Rubanda district, and the factors that affect employee performance in the Rubanda district. The study used a descriptive research design that aimed at generating information after the incident had occurred; the Qualitative approach included the use of interviews. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interview guide, and simple random and purposive sampling methods were used. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used to analyze data as a sample size of 50 respondents was used. The study revealed the work environment factors that influence staff performance in the Rubanda district and these include psychological work, temperature factor, sound factor, space factor, physical work environment, and air factor. The study revealed the effect of working environment on employee performance and these include; employees who are engaged will improve their performance, inadequate efficiency and dependency, work environment is the physical location and the environment of the workplace, absenteeism, early retirement, turnover, low workers performance, committed workers who are greatly motivated by good working atmosphere, un¬conduci ve work environment creates a feeling of un-fulfillment. Lastly, that the study of the factors that affect employee performance; experience at work, organizational Commitment, goals and expectations of an employee, organizational Culture, and motivation. The study recommended that to promote a good working environment and good performance of employees, employee motivation, experience at work, organizational culture, organizational commitment, goals, and expectations of an employee, tools, and equipment should be considered.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Examining the Impact of Women's Savings Groups on Socio¬economic Welfare of Families in Northern Division Kabale Municipality.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Namara, Brenda
    Saving groups including women's savings groups are promoted by numerous international and local Non-Governmental Organisations, government agencies and microfinance institutions in Uganda as a strategy for poverty eradication and improving the socio-economic welfare of families mostly among low-income earners (Agnes & Ruth, 2017). The government of Uganda through its programmes like the "bonabagagawale" scheme, the microfinance movement schemes, the parish development model and other government programmes strongly emphasises that the poor people including women participate in savings and self-help groups, not as individuals if they are to benefit from such programmes (Hassan, 2018). These savings groups, help women to own projects, and train their members, they offer soft loans, act as collateral to fellow members and are more often associated with the improvement of individual members both economically and socially. Despite the existence of women's savings groups in the Northern division of Kabale Municipality which would help in poverty reduction and improve on socio-economic welfare of families through the provision of small loans to its members at low interest rates and saving the little they have, still, the social economic welfare of families has remained the same in the area and there seem to be no reasons for forming such savings groups. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of women's savings groups on the socioeconomic welfare of families in the Northern division of Kabale Municipality.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Effect of Social Isolation and Loneliness on the Welfare of the Elderly: A Case Study of Kabale Municipality.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Kyarikunda, Jennifer
    This study aimed to understand the effect of social isolation and loneliness on the well-being of the elderly in Kabale Municipality social work and successful aging in Kabale Municipality. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied in the study and content analysis was undertaken. Data analysis began with reviewing literature repeatedly to acquire themes by highlighting the accurate content meaning. The main results of this study From the study findings the demographic characteristics of respondents conclude that old age increases with age and the majority of the elderly respondents involved in the study are females due to their life expectancy. Factors leading to social isolation and loneliness among the elderly in Kabale Municipality included; living alone, being unmarried, having inadequate family relations or support, having lower income and assets, and having poorer physical and mental health. having lower educational attainment, socioeconomic status, social environmental factors (limited access to transportation, housing situation living in private residence, and others. The study also concludes that loneliness affects elderly people. Due to such challenges, the study concludes that there is an urgent need for social gerontologists and other health and social service professionals to design and implement a variety of interventions in Kabale Municipality, therefore there is an urgent need for intervention. However, respondents pointed out some interventions to help the elderly. There is a need for social gerontologists and other health and social service professionals in Kabale Municipality, to provide Long Term Care Facilities (L TCFs) in Kaba le Municipality. considering health promotion services and activities will be important in providing support to develop, improve and maintain social contacts and mental well-being, loneliness should be taken into consideration simultaneously; the concept has to be increasingly acknowledged in international policy and in some national health strategies.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Domestic Violence and Children Emotional Wellbeing in Kabale District: A Case Study of Rubaya Sub-County.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Kakuru, Mackson
    The study was about the effects of domestic violence on children's emotional wellbeing in the Rubaya sub-county Kabale District. The study was guided by objectives like identifying the forms and causes of domestic violence against children, establishing the impact of domestic violence on the emotional well-being of children, and examining the strategies of domestic violence in Rubaya Sub County in Kabale District. The study sampled 165 respondents out of 238 as the target population. A descriptive design was used in the study. The researcher used both Primary and secondary data. Secondary data was collected from documents and policies. Literature was reviewed using secondary data sources including other reports. journals. internet. research projects and information from the University library. The study also found that abused male children typically learn to be victimizers. You get beaten up when you're small; then when you're big. you repeat what you learned, and respondents gave their opinions that social isolation is also a factor in abuse. Respondents revealed that domestic violence leads to injuries, and women who experience intimate partner violence report an injury as a consequence of this, from the questionnaires, respondents mentioned that leads to unintended pregnancies, and induced abortions. and some respondents feel the need to increase efforts to raise massive social awareness of the criminal nature of domestic violence and the services available to victims. This should be done in the form of seminars, workshops, and massive sensitization over both traditional and social media platforms such as radios, and televisions. Facebook, YouTube, and other media platforms, the study concludes that domestic abuse cannot be blamed on drugs or alcohol consumption. Some perpetrators may have been drinking or taking drugs when they were abusive, but many have not. The study concludes that much like drugs and alcohol, stress is not a cause of domestic abuse. Abuse is a choice, intended to gain power and control over the victim. Generally, perpetrators of domestic abuse, regardless of how stressed they are. can limit their abusive behavior to their chosen victim/s. The study recommends that there is a need for empowerment directed at vulnerable and socially excluded domestic violence survivors is ideal as it might help women gain control of their lives and instill in them motivation to reclaim their position in the community. Empowerment intervention usually equips the individual with an instrument of self¬determination, provides competency awareness, and strengthens self-esteem.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Women: A Case Study of Northern Division Kabale Municipality Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2021) Ankunda, Tomson
    The study sought to examine the impact of COVID-19 on women Northern Division, Kabale Municipality Kabale District- Uganda. The study objectives were; to find out the causes of gender based violence in homesteads, to establish the impact of Covid 19 on women, and to find out the solutions to gender-based violence in homesteads. The study largely applied qualitative research design. To a lesser extent, it also applied quantitative research design where descriptive statistics were used. According to the study findings, it was found out gender violence is a major cause of low household incomes in most homesteads for instance beating of women, and denying women the rights to access education, land, and property which often undermines their income earnings hence leading to low household incomes in most homesteads. However, apart from gender-based violence, other several factors contribute to low household incomes such as Political stability, and natural calamities. The study concludes that individual-level causes are biological and personal history causes that increase the risk of violence. For example, a low level of education, young age ( early marriage), and low economic status/income have been associated as risk causes for both experiencing and perpetrating intimate partner violence. The study recommends that the government needs to ensure that they are held accountable for the violence that they commit, including violence against women and girls. The government should put in place initiatives targeting the engagement of men to overcome violence against women. This is because they need to be adequately supported with human and financial resources, but without reducing resources from women's programs.
  • ItemRestricted
    Affirmative Action on Women Education Promotion in Ntungamo Municipality Ntungamo District.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Abenawe, Jasper
    The study was about identifying the contribution of affirmative action on women's education promotion in Ntungamo Municipality Ntungamo District, Uganda. The study was guided by objectives like identifying the role of the government on affirmative action on the education of women, finding out the barriers to women's participation in education, and finding ways to improve girl child education in Ntungamo district. The study used a descriptive research design. The study used 59 respondents from the target population. The study findings show that implementation of affirmative action is critical for establishing those distinctive benefits through laws and policies for the redress of inequality suffered by underprivileged individuals. As a result, affirmative action has become an inescapable aspect of the recruitment process and enhancement of females in institutions particularly, in leadership positions. In this article, a qualitative approach was adopted. Semi-structured interviews and document reviews were used to collect data. Findings showed that affirmative action was an ideal strategy for allowing female academics to display their capabilities but should not be implemented as tokenism to maintain quality and standards in universities. Moreover, merit, skill, and qualities of growth and leadership were identified as imperative. However, lack of transparency and clear lines of communication in implementing this strategy were cited as an obstacle. It was recommended that. transparency and accountability in implementing affirmative action in all university structures was critical. Training that targets gender equality issues should be ongoing and be used as a strategy for promoting the visibility of females in leadership positions. Merit, skill, qualities of growth, and acumen of leadership should be incorporated to maintain high quality and standard of leadership in universities regardless of gender.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Impact of Maziba Church of Uganda on Family Stability in Maziba Sub-County Kabale District.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Akancungura, Albert
    The study research focused on the findings of the impact of the Maziba church of Uganda on family stability in the Maziba sub-county, Kabale district. The objectives of the study were to assess the services offered by the church towards family stability, to identify challenges encountered by churches in the stability of families, and to suggest possible intervention measures for improving family stability brought by the church .. In chapter two, there was a critical review of the issues that have been explored and studied both theoretically and empirically in the existing literature on Maziba church of Uganda as an independent variable and family stability as the dependent variable. In chapter three this is where the methods of data collection were put into action. The research used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. The research used simple random sampling techniques in collecting and analyzing data and was used to provide equal chances to the sample size of 80 respondents. Purposive sampling was also used to collect data from respondents who participated in the study. Findings of the study obtained from the field interpreting the results analyzing based on the specific objectives of the study and chapter five portrayed the summary of findings, the study concludes that the Maziba church of Uganda parish like any other church needs to manifest itself as an advocate of social change. For bringing effective social change the priority is to eradicate all kinds of discrimination in the society and family at large, empowerment of women is the first thing to do. No doubt, the poorest women are the most disadvantaged section of society, especially because they do not have access to information and resources. So they are lagging in the process of development. Maziba church would like to involve these women and enhance their participation in the development process and the study also recommends that church leader works together with their government counterparts who have done tremendous work. Many churches have not only grown in size but have also developed infrastructures for research, training, and demonstration of alternative methods for increasing rural income. Many successful church activities on family welfare have actively participated in the development of society by creating employment opportunities and livelihood for the poor section of the society on the family stability with Maziba sub-county Kabale district
  • ItemEmbargo
    The Effect of Gender Inequality in Education on Rural Poverty: A Case Study of Nyakagyeme Sub-County Rukungiri District.
    (Kabale University, 2022) Akaruhanga, Jasper
    The study focused on the findings of the effect of gender inequality in education on rural poverty of Nyakagyeme sub-county, Rukungiri district. The objectives of the study included the following: to investigate the cause of gender inequality in education and rural poverty of Nyakagyeme sub-county, Rukungiri district, to find out the effects of gender inequality on education and rural poverty of Nyakagyeme sub-county, Rukungiri district and to identify possible solutions that have been suggested on education and rural poverty in of Nyakagyeme sub-county, Rukungiri district. There was a critical review of the issues that have been explored and studied both theoretically and empirically in the existing literature on gender inequality as an independent variable and education on rural poverty as the dependent variable and the methods of data collection were put into action. The research used 80 respondents as the sample size, and both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis were employed. The researcher used simple random sampling techniques in collecting and analyzing data and was used to provide equal chances to the sample size. Purposive sampling was also used to collect data from respondents who participated in the study. Findings of the study were obtained from the field interpreting the results analyzing based on the specific objectives of the study chapter five portrayed the summary of findings, and recommendations were made such as the Ministry of Labor, Gender and Social Development should address the problem of poverty concerning gender inequality among women in Uganda, there should be awareness raising regarding gender-based violence, the gender inequality should be addressed through social protection programs like equal enjoyment of social services for example clean water in the community, for women to contribute in the development process their potential should be unfolded by sensitizing them about development and providing them with necessary knowledge to help them to be included in the development process and women should get access to economic assets like land and houses that can be used as collateral to secure soft loans
  • ItemOpen Access
    Access to Primary Education By Children With Physical Disabilities in Bwambara Sub-County Rukungiri District.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Akatukunda, Faith
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the factors influencing access to primary education by children with physical disabilities in the Bwambara sub-county Rukungiri District. The specific objectives of the study were; To find out how are children with physical disabilities admitted to primary schools in Bwambara Sub-County, How accessible are primary schools to children with physical disabilities and how affordable are primary schools in Bwambara sub-county to children with physical disabilities. The study used a qualitative research design and it employed a snowball sampling technique. A total of 8 children with physical disabilities were involved in the study and an interview guide was employed to collect information from respondents. The findings revealed that; CWPD are admitted to the school by picking an application form by their parents/guardian, filling it and then taken back to school, first denied admission and given after negotiation, denied admission in some schools and then opt to study in other school where they were offered admission and some CWPD pay extra amount of money to be admitted in the schools. The study further revealed; that some school buildings are not user-friendly to CWPD, their homes are located far away from where they study, unmodified transport routes are characterized by potholes, making it difficult to cross wheelchair users, the toilets are not user-friendly to CWPD since they share toilets with children without disabilities. The study findings indicated that the schools including state-owned charge a lot of money that children with physical disabilities from poor families cannot afford, that private schools charge an extra amount of money to CWD for purposes of meeting their disability and educational needs, some CWPD are offered full scholarship where they don't pay school fees and parents are capable to support CWPD at school. The recommendations that came out of the study were that schools should give admission to CWPD at a free cost, and Schools should put up a special desk for CWD so that when they come for admission they don't wait for long hours. School buildings should be modified through the construction of ramps Door entrances of school buildings should be enlarged to enable even wheelchair users to access school buildings, Schools establish toilets specifically designed for CWPD. Transport routes should be modified with ramps and special pavements to enable wheelchair users to access the transport routes easily, Parents/guardians of CWPD should engage in economic activities to support the education of CWPD, and Schools especially government owned should not charge money to enable even children from poor families stay at school.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of Learning Environment on Academic Performance of Pupils and Students in Kagango Division Sheema Municipality.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Andonzire, Steve James
    This study was about assessing the effect of the learning environment on the academic performance of pupils and students in Kagango Division Sheema Municipality. lt was guided by specific objectives which were to describe the factors that cause students' decline in academic performance, to find out the relationship between school environment and academic performance; Pupils and Students in Kagango Division Sheema Municipality and to suggest possible solutions to the effect of learning environment on academic performance of pupils in pre¬primary, primary and secondary schools. The researcher used a descriptive cross-sectional survey where data was collected across the population at one point in time because it ought to describe the issues, the study was conducted in four selected schools in the Division and these were Kihunda primary School and Kihunda parents' secondary school. Rwabutura primary school and Itendero secondary school. The study sampling was cloned on ~l I lead teachers, 30 students, 8 Teachers: and 8 parents from Kagango Division which were both male and female. Both a questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect data and findings indicated that more males participated in the study than females. Respondents who were below 20 years old participated more than the rest of and respondents. The study concluded that more respondents were single than the rest. Also concerning the education background, it was concluded that many respondents were secondary school students and the less number of respondents had attained diplomas and degrees as their qualifications like parents and head teachers. The study concluded that factors that cause students' decline in performance in secondary schools are poverty, domestic violence, Limited evaluation, peer pressure, and Absenteeism. Teasing and bullying and 18% suggested alcoholism. The study also shows the relationship between school environment and students' academic performance to be school environment, giving tests and coursework, strikes and demonstrations, Poor student-teacher relationships, guidance and counseling, poor class control, and Poor methods of teaching. Finally, the study concluded that t-, classes that can be taken to improve performance in secondary schools as Giving rewards to the best-performing students, Government Involvement in Education, Offering support to the suffering students, providing career guidance in schools, Providing Alternative Sources of power and Encouraging Substitutes and finally the study recommended that the government to support students, especially through organizing seminars to equip students with the necessary knowledge from different angles, establish and implement a new curriculum for all schools in way to be more of practical than theory, school management committees of the selected schools to always assess the performance of teachers in teaching through tasking them to produce timetable and lesson plans prioritize investment in education and develops policies to improve the financing of the education in such way as to provide adequate educational facilities for all schools.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of Bride Price on Women's Rights Among the Bakiga in Kabale District: A Case Study of Kitumba Sub-County.
    (Kabale University, 2021) Asiimwe, Bettus
    The study investigated the effects of bride price on women's rights among the Bakiga in the Kabale district. A case study of Kitumba sub-county. It was guided by the following objectives; to examine the reasons why the bride price is paid in Kitumba Sub County, to assess the effects of bride price on women's rights in Kitumba Sub County, and to establish measures aimed at reducing women's rights abuse in Kitumba Sub County. The study used an exploratory and descriptive study design. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used in the study. The target population was the NGO's employees such as FOWODE, and FIDA. Also, married men and women will be considered. The study also included local council members, police units/stations, and other key people for more information that may be vital to the study, in Kitumba Sub County, Kabale district. A multi/cluster sampling procedure was used to select the sample of the study area. The study used simple sampling to choose respondents. A sample size of 100 respondents was selected. And this represented the population of abused women. The sample size consisted of 30 selected key informants from the two organizations dealing with women's rights, 10 police officers, and 10 local council officers, 30 married men and women were selected. Data collection Instruments included interview guides and questionnaires. The researcher found out that there are many positive and negative impacts of payment of bride price to the process of traditional marriage namely; showing appreciation to the girl's parents, and showing one's intention to marry, it's a sign of moral consciousness to sexual morality, it's a sign of respect to parents, it's an opportunity to immerse wealth, it's a sign of respect and honor to the woman and it sustains culture. The research found out that many marriages have become unstable due to the aspect of bride price. Many marriages have realized domestic violence, abuse of women's rights, and women being reduced to being objects of domestic labor. The researcher also found out that a significant number of respondents tie domestic violence to bride price; men butter their women because they paid for them. They deny them a chance to make any decisions because they are no bodies just goods bought from the market. This trend can deeply affect marriage stability. How the negative attitudes can be abated through revised procedures of this practice, massive sensitization, and having commissions like human rights commissions step in to discourage all sorts of abuse of human rights. The researcher concluded that the respondents all support bride price as a cultural practice but with its related negative impacts on traditional marriages, they contend that there must be laws passed regulating payment of bride price and that it should not be restricted by the parents and guardians of the girl. The researcher recommended that; the government should develop regulations that deal with payment of bride price, to avoid the aspect of women being reduced to being commodities of sale. There should be a legal price limitation that protects the human nature of women so that they are not treated as commodities. The government should also tighten laws on domestic violence that incriminate individuals found violating the Law. This would help to deter people found of beating their wives and reducing them into objects and not loving them as partners.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Youth Employment Programs and Youth Empowerment: A Case Study of Boda-Boda Business in Rukungiri Municipality.
    (Kabale University, 2023) Ayebazibwe, Spencer
    The study aimed at examining the roles of youth employment programs in youth empowerment in Rukungiri municipality. The objectives of the study were, to determine the contributions of youth employment programs to youth empowerment in Rukungiri municipality, to determine the challenges faced in implementing the youth employment programs in Rukungiri municipality, and to determine the solutions put in place to overcome the challenges facing youth employment programs on youth empowerment, The study focused on boda boda youth project groups in Rukungiri municipality. The information about these NGOs was collected using questionnaires and interview guides. Findings show that 32 % strongly agreed, and 49% agreed with the view that household financial growth has been impacted by NGOs. The minority 11 % of the respondents disagreed as though when asked could not give clear reasons as to why they disagreed with the operations of NGOs. It was established that the role of youth employment programs on youth empowerment has controlled poverty rates in Rukungiri municipality among the youth by giving evidence of some developed careers done by the youth in for the developing themselves and changing the styles of their living. It was concluded that youth employment programs of boda boda have led to increased financial growth of households through generating income and employment opportunities. Youth employment programs through financial assistance help the youth to access education and better standards of living. The study recommends future research to undertake a comparative analysis of the performance of youth employment programs to youth employment in Rukungiri as a whole and other parts of the country.